
Active Member
Hi Guys
Coming to the end of restoring my Classic.
When replacing the material on the underside of the sunroof,
the mechanic discovered that the headliner board was 'rotten'.
Now the previously perfect looking headliner looks like a
bedouin's tent.
Would anyone know where I can get hold of a headliner
board? Have Googled elsewhere and searched here and
found nothing recent.
Cheers guys.
You must have the original cardboard headler backing, while is crap..

You could/can get a fiberglass replacement, however they ain't cheap last i checked and it is a pain in the ass to fit, quart into a pint pot eh!
I believe so.
Looking for a cost effective solution that's not a pain in the rear to fit.
Anyone any experience with cutting marine ply to fit?
Ideally a decent used replacement one.
Problem is the carriage.
I don't know if this on ebay would fit yours & the ad does say collection only - bearing in mind where you are - & you'd need to call them just to confirm but I'd say that's a grp backed one.
I've got a Nationwide grp one in mine albeit mine's an 86 non-sunroof & uses the 2 piece headliner. Fitted it years ago & it too suffered the bedouin tent syndrome last year with the usual issue of the material foam backing breaking up. Easy to redo - follow the 'how to' on LZ - & I used a Martrim kit.
Cheers mate. Have contacted that guy, to see if getting it couriered is practicable.

I'll hazard a guess and say it isn't possible to move by courier - at least not at a cost that you'd want to consider.
Most don't really appreciate how large a headliner is until it is removed and laid out on the floor.
....and not to mention just how fragile the backing material is to transport.
If you were able to move it via courier, what you'd receive would probably be just as broken as yours.
Two words, "road trip"
Get the classic fuelled up, drive it out there and install your new head liner.
Yep. Was wishful thinking and nothing else.

I have two words for you also ;)

Irish Sea.

I'm on the wrong side of it.

But. Where there's a will, there's a way :)
The grp ones are much more robust than the card variety. Mine came in a big cardboard box, but of course being two piece was a reasonable size.
Problem is always going to be the care the courier gives.
Any breakers in Ireland?
I'm on the North Coast of Northern Ireland.
Here to Rosslare (virtually the length of the island)
Round trip you're talking not much change out of 1,000 miles. (inc through England)
If I can manage to do it all on LPG, that's about ........well,
including ferry, B&B and meals, not much change out of £1,000.
Just sayin'
I'm on the North Coast of Northern Ireland.
Here to Rosslare (virtually the length of the island)
Round trip you're talking not much change out of 1,000 miles. (inc through England)
If I can manage to do it all on LPG, that's about ........well,
including ferry, B&B and meals, not much change out of £1,000.
Just sayin'
It's a long run for me otherwise I could have picked it up and met you at Birkenhead 12 quays ferry port.
I have a related question of an ethical type.
I'll try to be brief.
As my signature says. I live not far from the Ass End of Nowhere. So, I don't have a huge choice of mechanics hereabouts.
I have a very personable mechanic on my doorstep, who can do auto electrics and bodywork also.
He's changed the roof pump on an Alfa 939 and tidied up bodywork and alloys for about £300. Bodywork and alloys look lovely.
I bought the Range Rover and Alfa at decent prices and have tidied both up for resale. Now COVID19 is doin' its thang, luckily I can
dry store my cars at no cost, until the used / classic market bounces back.
I have three other cars, that I'd like him to lightly restore for resale. Each ought to fetch north of £15,000 in a decent market. All are rare. Double that, if I was to hold onto them for a few years. That's the background.
When I bought the Range Rover (pictured) it had no lining on the underside of the sunroof. At this point the headlining was fine.
Tight, clean. We didn't know the board was rotten above the 'cloth'. To fit the material to the sunroof blind and replace the sunroof motor, he said he had to take the headliner off. I said fine. When I picked up the car a week or so later, the sunroof blind was recovered in material to match the grey teddy bear seats etc and the motor was working.
But, all around the sunroof and along the headliner edges, were black finger marks. Oil presumably. And the headliner backing has been removed because it was rotten apparently and the headliner material, which was perfect, is now hanging like the aforementioned bedouins tent.
I've said nothing so far. Just acted pleased as usual. The Rangey is back with him to fix the headlight switch(es) cause he forgot to do that last time. This is now done, so am collecting it again this week.
My question is. Should I take this on the chin? The headliner problems he's created? In the interests of getting good work done on the rest of my cars? In other words, bear the cost of buying another one and the enormous ball ache of getting one.
Should I buy a replacement, but expect him to fit it and cover the cost of labour? Or, should I say, you broke it, you fix it.
As an aside, my manner is hail fellow well met, but people don't tend to dick me about. I'm 6'1" and although my health has gone seriously downhill over the last several years, am ex-special forces and although I don't talk about it to strangers, or anybody really; when I slip back into my old mannerisms, well, I know from experience that not many guys would start a rumble with me.
The laugh of it is. I'm reskilling to become a trauma psychologist and work with and for the types of guys I used to work alongside, so I'm working on my interpersonal skills, like you wouldn't believe! ;)
My own thinking on this. For an easy life. I find and buy the replacement headliner. Moan about the cost a little.
And when I get it, politely say that I don't expect a labour bill for attaching it.
Sorry for the essay. I do have friends locally that I could ask, but most of them I worked with and they'd insist on violating his human rights to soften him up. Waterboarding probably. Jump leads to the nads, not ruled out :eek:
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Thanks Tomcat. I'd do the same for anyone on here, so long as it doesn't run to a lot of money, cause I ain't got it to throw around :)
I have a related question of an ethical type.
I'll try to be brief.
As my signature says. I live not far from the Ass End of Nowhere. So, I don't have a huge choice of mechanics hereabouts.
I have a very personable mechanic on my doorstep, who can do auto electrics and bodywork also.
He's changed the roof pump on an Alfa 939 and tidied up bodywork and alloys for about £300. Bodywork and alloys look lovely.
I bought the Range Rover and Alfa at decent prices and have tidied both up for resale. Now COVID19 is doin' its thang, luckily I can
dry store my cars at no cost, until the used / classic market bounces back.
I have three other cars, that I'd like him to lightly restore for resale. Each ought to fetch north of £15,000 in a decent market. All are rare. Double that, if I was to hold onto them for a few years. That's the background.
When I bought the Range Rover (pictured) it had to lining on the underside of the sunroof. At this point the headlining was fine.
Tight, clean. We didn't know the board was rotten above the 'cloth'. To fit the material to the sunroof blind and replace the sunroof motor, he said he had to take the headliner off. I said fine. When I picked up the car a week or so later, the sunroof blind was recovered in material to match the grey teddy bear seats etc and the motor was working.
But, all around the sunroof and along the headliner edges, were black finger marks. Oil presumably. And the headliner backing has been removed because it was rotten apparently and the headliner material, which was perfect, is now hanging like the aforementioned bedouins tent.
I've said nothing so far. Just acted pleased as usual. The Rangey is back with him to fix the headlight switch(es) cause he forgot to do that last time. This is now done, so am collecting it again this week.
My question is. Should I take this on the chin? The headliner problems he's created? In the interests of getting good work done on the rest of my cars? In other words, bear the cost of buying another one and the enormous ball ache of getting one.
Should I buy a replacement, but expect him to fit it and cover the cost of labour? Or, should I say, you broke it, you fix it.
As an aside, my manner is hail fellow well met, but people don't tend to dick me about. I'm 6'1" and although my health has gone seriously downhill over the last several years, am ex-special forces and although I don't talk about it to strangers, or anybody really; when I slip back into my old mannerisms, well, I know from experience that not many guys would start a rumble with me.
The laugh of it is. I'm reskilling to become a trauma psychologist and work with and for the types of guys I used to work alongside, so I'm working on my interpersonal skills, like you wouldn't believe! ;)
My own thinking on this. For an easy life. I find and buy the replacement headliner. Moan about the cost a little.
And when I get it, politely say that I don't expect a labour bill for attaching it.
Sorry for the essay. I do have friends locally that I could ask, but most of them I worked with and they'd insist on violating his human rights to soften him up. Waterboarding probably. Jump leads to the nads, not ruled out :eek:
Nothing built before 2015 will be worth anything except as collectors cars/museum pieces the way things are going:rolleyes:
Oh thanks. With all the talk of Covid19 and all the crap that's coming our way, I really needed cheering up! :rolleyes:

Just noticed where you are. After my cheeky comment. Been to Poitiers. Nice town.
Lived in Angouleme a few years back. Then down in Provence, which really blew my socks off.
Examining the viability of various dastardly deeds, so I might be able to live there full-time.
My own thinking on this. For an easy life. I find and buy the replacement headliner. Moan about the cost a little.
And when I get it, politely say that I don't expect a labour bill for attaching it.
If he's otherwise good then something of a conundrum & you might be best going with the above.
Also tends to rule out the more 'traditional' NI punishments as well.
Oh thanks. With all the talk of Covid19 and all the crap that's coming our way, I really needed cheering up! :rolleyes:

Just noticed where you are. After my cheeky comment. Been to Poitiers. Nice town.
Lived in Angouleme a few years back. Then down in Provence, which really blew my socks off.
Examining the viability of various dastardly deeds, so I might be able to live there full-time.
It's a good place to live apart from the war on diesels.
I have a related question of an ethical type.
I'll try to be brief.
As my signature says. I live not far from the Ass End of Nowhere. So, I don't have a huge choice of mechanics hereabouts.
I have a very personable mechanic on my doorstep, who can do auto electrics and bodywork also.
He's changed the roof pump on an Alfa 939 and tidied up bodywork and alloys for about £300. Bodywork and alloys look lovely.
I bought the Range Rover and Alfa at decent prices and have tidied both up for resale. Now COVID19 is doin' its thang, luckily I can
dry store my cars at no cost, until the used / classic market bounces back.
I have three other cars, that I'd like him to lightly restore for resale. Each ought to fetch north of £15,000 in a decent market. All are rare. Double that, if I was to hold onto them for a few years. That's the background.
When I bought the Range Rover (pictured) it had no lining on the underside of the sunroof. At this point the headlining was fine.
Tight, clean. We didn't know the board was rotten above the 'cloth'. To fit the material to the sunroof blind and replace the sunroof motor, he said he had to take the headliner off. I said fine. When I picked up the car a week or so later, the sunroof blind was recovered in material to match the grey teddy bear seats etc and the motor was working.
But, all around the sunroof and along the headliner edges, were black finger marks. Oil presumably. And the headliner backing has been removed because it was rotten apparently and the headliner material, which was perfect, is now hanging like the aforementioned bedouins tent.
I've said nothing so far. Just acted pleased as usual. The Rangey is back with him to fix the headlight switch(es) cause he forgot to do that last time. This is now done, so am collecting it again this week.
My question is. Should I take this on the chin? The headliner problems he's created? In the interests of getting good work done on the rest of my cars? In other words, bear the cost of buying another one and the enormous ball ache of getting one.
Should I buy a replacement, but expect him to fit it and cover the cost of labour? Or, should I say, you broke it, you fix it.
As an aside, my manner is hail fellow well met, but people don't tend to dick me about. I'm 6'1" and although my health has gone seriously downhill over the last several years, am ex-special forces and although I don't talk about it to strangers, or anybody really; when I slip back into my old mannerisms, well, I know from experience that not many guys would start a rumble with me.
The laugh of it is. I'm reskilling to become a trauma psychologist and work with and for the types of guys I used to work alongside, so I'm working on my interpersonal skills, like you wouldn't believe! ;)
My own thinking on this. For an easy life. I find and buy the replacement headliner. Moan about the cost a little.
And when I get it, politely say that I don't expect a labour bill for attaching it.
Sorry for the essay. I do have friends locally that I could ask, but most of them I worked with and they'd insist on violating his human rights to soften him up. Waterboarding probably. Jump leads to the nads, not ruled out :eek:
Personally I would be up front and tell him what a feck up he's made and try and work,out a way to resolve the problem.
The Irish tend to be a bit more circumspect Tomcat. If you come at them head on, they tend to dig their heels in.
Especially in the sticks. A lot of weight is put on how much composure you can retain, in the face of adversity.
That said, he is taking the ****. Which annoys me on more than one level.

Datatek. Yup, it is indeed. Not close enough to the coast for me, though there are lots of beautiful lakes. Given how many
diesels PSA group make and have made for decades, the war on derv is news to me. But, an ecological discussion on fossil fuels etc
would've been and still is, way beyond my level of Franglais!

Thanks Ratae. Yes, this guy must be paying his protection money, because he doesn't walk with a limp :;
It'd be impolite of me to handicap him, so he can't catch sheep in his off hours.
I would say, I'm very happy with the work you've done would have no problems coming back again and so on but... Im a little upset about the black finger prints on the new Headliner.. Then see how that pans out.
Compliments go a long way and being honest goes much further.
Or... Whichever your take may be better. :cool:

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