
Well-Known Member

Not the best light but I think she looks good, took years off her !
excellent looking landy you have there ,,hope you are proud of her ,,she looks eeeerrrmm ,,,"FOXY"
Very smart. Nice job you've done there. I'd be very chuffed with that. :)
What a beauty!

Are the pics from Bardill's Garden Centre? I go past there everyday to get to work
Yep, looks very nice. I wasn't sure about the black bonnet in your earlier pic's but now I can see the full picture it has worked out well. Trouble is, now you wont want to get it dirty.
That looks superb, can I ask what colour that is (yeah, I know it's red...) and is it metallic?

EDIT: Sorry - just seen it mentioned elsewhere - a Renault colour - interesting choice!
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