
New Member
Does anyone know of a good source of 900x16 bar grips or semi off road tyres?

I have MRF 900x16's on my SIII 109, but they are really made for split rims, so do not sit concentrically on normal deep 16" rims.....makes for a watered down clown's car ride if they all gang up at once at the wrong time and wrong speed.

I've been running these tyres for a couple of years now, and they still have plenty of tread left....just looking towards the time when they will need replacing, and looking forward to the prospect of a smoother ride.
i know spyderman on here runs 900,s on his series but i dont have a clue other than that
You can still get new bargrips, but they cost almost as much as a decent tyre that might actually offer some grip. I have not seen any 900x16s on ebay or elsewhere in quite a while, I'm after 900x16 dunlop rk2a/3s if anyone wants rid or swap for petlas.
I was getting a decent deal on 900x16 XL's a while back but can never guarantee getting them when i need them so I have a few stashed away
Vass in Amphill have 900 x 16 Michelin XL in stock, might have some bar grips, probably Continentals
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Last time I rang them they told me to get in quick as they were selling pretty fast but they always say that.

There is a farmer close to where I work brought a shed load of them I think from Vass or Withams. I have swapped a few landy bits and dosh for some recently so I have enough for my 90 and a trailer plus spares if and when i get one sorted
I would be very interested in any supplies of 900-16s, as you can imagine its a common question over on the 900 club forum.
Thanks for the info....will follow some of these up and see what happens. Looks like XLs may be the way to go.....but bar grips just look so damn good!
iv`e got new bargrips in stock for 101`s they are 900x16`s with the flat beads so they fit correctly on british and land rover rims , i also stock 600x16 700x16 750 x16 and the 900x16`s
grays automotive services
01937 580302 or 07968381304
Just bought a set of Forward Controls, which is quite an achievement given their scarcity and now looking for 900 16 tyres to run on them.

I originaslly had my sights on some military bar grips, but general concensus seems to be that they are hurrendous to drive on (poor in the wet, wobbly etc and not well favoured unless you are in the Military and there are more pressing threats to your life)

Got my choice down to two :

Petlas NT3s
Michellin XZLs

Both are still hard to find and expensive to buy if they are available. My preference at the moment is the Petlas NT5s - anyone got any experience or views to support or undermine this decision ?
Being such an expensive purchase, I want to get all the practical advice and experience I can before pulling a huge wad of cash out.

Appreciate any views.


The Petlas are generally pretty good, I know a few people who have run them on 1-Tons and FCs with positive comments being made. For a crossply they are quite well behaved.
Can't comment on the Michelins as never driven on XzLs, although the XS's I have on my 1-Ton are pretty good if that's anything to go by.

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