New Member
I have just got back into Landies after 10 years away from the scene(you know how it is!)
Well whats the lowdown on tyre sizes for the insurance companies?
Can you get away with 235/70/16 as a standard tyre or does it not matter as long as you tell them?
I dont want the piddly 205;s on that it has now but I also dont want monster offroad mud tyres that make it handle like a boat.
Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

maybe if we tell ya what to fit and ya tell your insurance company and they dont want to cover you,you can say well landyzone said it would be ok
I told my insurance company that I'd upgraded mine to round black ones with air in and they seemed ok with that :)
Not again anuvver fookin tyre qs
More of an Insurance question as I have a fair idea thanks of what fits and what grips.:cool:Used BFG A/Ts for years on road and raced on SATs 15 years ago! Im no newbie just a bit out of touch.
What I am really asking is what would be classed as a standard size on a 90 for insurance purposes.
I dont want to buy 235/85's and find that I get £200 stuck on my premium.
235 85 16 is standard on defender now

Cheers John! a sensible answer, I owe you one.:D
I love it when experts jump to conclusions with a new board member!:doh:

thanks guys, I dont mind a bit of banter.

All the best.
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Surely if the wheel size is standard, tyre size is irrelevant?

Well maybe,
the Insurance asked what size tyres and wheels it had when I asked for a quote, and they dont like committing themselves to certain points of what is OK and what is not do they?

I think they should be a bit more helpful and tell you what you can have on a standard policy and what costs extra, they have the details in front of them dont they?

My opinion is that if it has been fitted to that model variant at some time then it is standard type. Its almost like they want you to trip up.
Oooooooooo I likes the sound of them, where did you get them from???? Wos they eggspensive???? :p:p;);):rolleyes::rolleyes:

They sure were cos I had the added nobbly bits all the way round. You can get them free of charge if you don't want those bits on by raiding your local go-cart track!

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