Why not? Give it a good service and a thorough look over.....

But consider its a long way to go driving there at 60 ish, the noise, the backache, the fuel bill....., you're going to have a bloody good time
Why not? Mine went to Tuscany and back with no probs. Firkin long way to drive in a Landy. Glad I did it though.
I live about an hour from germany and i went to Peterborough last year in my 90 not long after i brought it even went round the off road course, it was still a 2.25 petrol then and cost a fortune i had to buy new seats when i got there as mine was uncomfortable and it was too noisy.

This year i go in the car :D

depends where you are going and how it might only be a few hours driving time
You'll get seriously bored. Lots of CDs/MP3s?

We did it a couple of years ago (to a friend's wedding celebration), but in the 911. Got it up to 257kph, but better half's knuckles were white on the door handle, so didn't go any faster. Don't think that'll be a problem in the Landy.

We were going to just outside Frankfurt (am Main, not the Oder one). Stopped in three or four decent places going out and coming back, if you want to know. Where are you going?
the drive isnt a problem, I used to do it every weekend when I was in the forces, But I was wondering from a 90 point of view, whether it would be wise lol.

Speed isnt a problem as long it gets me there :) and I will have plety of CD's as the Mrs will be more than likely asleep lol
the drive isnt a problem, I used to do it every weekend when I was in the forces, But I was wondering from a 90 point of view, whether it would be wise lol.

Speed isnt a problem as long it gets me there :) and I will have plety of CD's as the Mrs will be more than likely asleep lol

AA or RAC overseas cover would be wise. And anyone that can sleep in a 90 at 60 mph has my respect.

You're in Barnsley (went to school for a while not far from there) - do they still do the run from Hull? We used Eurostar, which I have to say was totally stressless, except for the poor food offer when we were waiting. Oh and driving through the soft south.
Hull rotterdam is about £400 and Euro is about £80 but then its about £100 in diesel or so each way and 12 - 16 hours drive depending, so for less hassle Hull is the best, 1 hour up there, over nighter and then 2 hours otherside
Hull rotterdam is about £400 and Euro is about £80 but then its about £100 in diesel or so each way and 12 - 16 hours drive depending, so for less hassle Hull is the best, 1 hour up there, over nighter and then 2 hours otherside

Agreed. We just visited some one in Yorkshire on the way down, which made it convenient. 'member if your trip takes you through France (don't know where you are going) you need 2 breathalysers in the car, and they are pretty strict on wearing headphones.

Have fun.
dover dash takes me through, france, belgium, holland then germany, and Breathalysers>? will just be passing m8 (only be in france about 1 hour on motorway), and i dont wear headfones :)
If you search for my 'UK I'm on my way' 3D you'll get an idea of how much it cost me to drive to the UK from Italy and back this summer. Will definitely be doing it again next summer.
Just booked my ticket for Germany, doing over night Hull - Rotterdam..easier on the old girl (90) :) and on me, few beers and casino and the mrs at home, bang on
dover dash takes me through, france, belgium, holland then germany, and Breathalysers>?

Can't buy them anywhere here (France) so they have had to put the date forward until October before they start fineing people for not having them.

Our 110 has done Portugal, Morocco (x2) & the North of England in the Snow with 3 sprogs to name but a few trips and has never let us done.

Good service and make sure your inner wheel bearings are well greased !

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