
New Member
Hi All,

I know its unlikely but if anyone spots this Landy about please let me know.
It was stolen from a friend of mine in North Wales.
Llangollen area.

There is a link to the Wrexham Leader article about the theft.

The Leader - News from Wrexham & Flintshire - Thieves’ sick suicide text hoax

No boat on it when it was stolen.

Please let me know if you have seen it so I can pass on any info to my friend and the police.

Cheers Guys and Gals
Not to sure if i want the police or the owner to find the scum bags who did this.
for the sake of being legally correct i hope the police find the scum bags,because id have their legs off!
sick bastards! they deserve there fingers burning off with an oxy/ accetyline torch, never be able to text again. what kind of people is there out there seriously!
The phone should have been traceable - if the police had acted quickly they probably could have caught the scum bags.

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