kato Disco

Well-Known Member
Av got a d3 for running about and a 90 for feckin about but thinking of gettin a 110 that will do both jobs. What's best in your opinion? Am looking to go off road ano.

Also got a dolly sprint for those of you that are educated enough to appreciate it.

Your thoughts gentlemen and ladie landies
Intersting question - I've got a 110 and what I'd really like is a Disco and a 90. Two phrases spring to mind, one to do with being a 'Jack of all trades' and the other has something to do with eggs and baskets...
Some interestng points have been raised.

Keep the D3 and 90 and get the 110 as well. Its the obvious solution, and that way you're covered all round. :)
I've got a 110 200tdi SW and a back up Disco TD5, The 110 is my work/family, toy for the mud vehicle and has also taken us (five people) on holidays to Portugal & twice to Morocco never needed the Disco yet :)

110 all the way !
Love the sound of the Dolly. My old man runs a 1973 MGB and it's something else! It's just of another era - that powerful leather and oil smell, absurdly weak brakes, steamroller-hard steering and an engine that sounds like it would be more at home on a Battle of Britain airfield. Oh, and plenty of chrome, zero electronics and, well, just beautiful.

Re: 90 or 110 - god knows man! Good luck with it though! :)

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