Mike stand fast,
1 Whenever you speak to anyone get their name and details, and ask if the call is being recorded.
2 Work out what you landy was worth - I used a selection of 'for sale' adds that I thought were similar.
3 £5K is lot - ask for a break down.
4 Get other estimates - I tried all the normal galv chassis people and various fitters to get the best package that suited me.
5 Accept nothing over the phone, you want it sent in writing - this will give you time to consider what they are saying. The first few offers should be ignored - tell them that the law is on your side and you feel insulted. And if it's your insurance coy say that you have been miss-sold the product as they should be doing this - ask how to make a formal complaint.
6 Get some beers in and be prepared to be a bastard with everyone - they are not your friends and only want your money. You and us want your pride and joy back on the road as it should be.