
Active Member
Hi Everyone!
Finally got my 90 MOTed and on the road!
Promptly went to the garage to fill up and the tank is leaking from in-between the tank and the belly shield!
I'm going to fit a new tank. Cannot find a genuine one so from reading online going to go for a bearmach one as next best thing? Any comments on Britpart / Bearmach copies?

I have a tech question too, I want to get the sender out without damaging it (see picture). Anyone recommend a tool for twisting it off? May be a bit of pipe with cut outs, but i'm struggling to find a pipe suitable?

Any top tips would be great.

Many thanks,

The sender's are quite thick steel, just knock it round with a blunt punch.
You 'may' be able to relieve the tank 'tangs' slightly too but I've never tried that, that's worth a try as the tank is scrap.
Edit- thinking about this a bit more...but isn't the lock ring a separate part? So you have a rubber seal then the sender then a locking ring? It's been 16yrs since I did mine but I think I recall using the old sender with a new seal and locking ring.
There are some cheap 3 legged gadgets on FleaBay. Look for Fuel Sender Tool. No idea how good they are.
I have managed to get them out in the past with a punch and hammer. Better if you have a friend working on another lug at the same time.
Fitted a new BP item to mine last year, seemed well made and I certainly don't anticipate any problems. The biggest issue with any tank is the preparation.
Mine had a genuine tank before being cast by the MOD 22-years ago, I know this because I took the tank off as soon as I bought the vehicle and it didn't take much to see that the original paint was very thin / non-existent. I cleaned, painted & Waxoyled the tank and 21-years later it was still solid however when carrying out a chassis swop it made sense to fit a new one so that got exactly the same treatment before being fitted. With the painting / Waxoyl it is important to make sure the paint gets everywhere and that can mean a bit of work to get between the bottom of the tank and the mudshield, I used etch-primer where I could see no paint existed and did the Waxoyling on a hot day making sure it flowed everywhere.

My sender was fine but I just wanted to be fitting a whole new unit so replaced the hoses, pick-up, sender etc as a matter of course.

Thank you everyone above for the great info and tips. Lots there and it all looks do able! I'll replace all the sender bits and do some good prepping of the new tank. I might even treat myself to one of the special tools! I'll post some pics here to show you how I get on. Thanks again, Paul :)

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