
New Member
hello,i recently brought a g reg 90,the prob i,ve got it as a rotton chassis,i,ve been offered a replacement second hand chassis with the orginal numbers still in it,could i use that chassis to rebuild my 90 back up again,cheers in advance...
As long as its a 90 also then yes (mind you others would work, but need more time, money and effort spent on them to make them fit. What engine was in the one your getting the new chassis from? I would guess its a 2.5NA or TD, if the chassis was from say a 300tdi the engine mounts will be different and need cut off and welded on elsewhere (which is not a big deal to someone who can weld).

Other than that then yes go for it, if the chassis is in good order, and going for a good price then buy it, and worry about engine mounts later.
It's a lot of work to replace it with a chassis that int going to last long. I'd make sure it's solid by hitting it rather hard with the round end of a ballpein hammer if the seller won't let you do this then stay clear. And how much are you going to pay for it compared with a new un.
That's what I was thinking.

If your going to all that hassle of replacing the chasiss... I'd want a new,galvanised bugger underneath me:)
hello,cheers for your replys,the problem i,m thinking about is the would the law put it on a q reg because the second hand chassis would have different numbers to the vin tag,it is a 2.5td chassis,i was going to put a 200tdi engine into it,use the orginal box and lower the tdi onto the normal chassis mounts,so all thats orginal is really the panel set,gearbox and vin tag,everything else as been changed,axles,chassis, engine,cheers once again to all that repled..
think that will be a Q plate then, unless you (on paper) do the changes one by one.. over a few months, ie change engine and gear box now, then in '6 months' change the chassis.

For the money you could also just buy another 90 with a good chassis on and swap the good bits on yours into it????
My two penneth: I'm with Gofish - If you need to replace the chassis, I fink you should definitely go for a galvanised one if you can get anywhere near affording it. It's a lot of work to swap everything over onto a new frame and if you have to do it, you only want to do it once.

Plus then you don't have to worry about Q-plates...
cheers for your replys,problem is,i forgot to mention that the change over is almost complete,just got to just put the back tub on and line a few things up,should have posted this question last week,i,ve just got to take my chance's with it i surpose.

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