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My 300tdi landrover has developed a whining noise in the transmission i think rather than the transfer box or diffs. Sounds like a bearing packing up but it stops when u disengage the clutch. it mainly happens upon aproach to a roundabout - so no throttle...

Just wondering if any one else has had this problem and what the exact problem was......i realise the box is proabably gonna have to come out, but any ideas to the location of which bearing? or what it could be?

Many Thanks

thanks for your replies.

There is oil in it, have checked that one.

What should i be looking at with the universal joints?
Just found out, we've already checked them and they are all ok.

Any other ideas what it could be would be gratefully received?!

Many thanks
Thanks again for your response.

I know that the clutch is near the end of its life but i dont think it is that as the whine is as the gearbox is slowing.

It happens when gear is still engaged but im not using any throttle, for example breaking on approach at a roundabout. as soon as you press the clutch it stops (when gearbox is disengaged basically).

If it was the bearing it wouldnt whine when not in use would it?
from memory the bearing would whine and give noise when pressed in, which it doesnt at the moment?!

Thanks for all your thoughts on this one. im sure its something more linked to the gearbox or the transfer etc.
That sounds about right - clutch bearings rattle when not depressed if they are worn, and whine/rumble when you press the clutch.

Are you sure that you have checked the UJ's properly?

I would be surprised if it was gearbox related if it does it in all gears.

Have you tried putting it in 4th low and seeing if its still there?

Are you sure you have checked the UJ's?

My dads the mechaninc so i spoke to him and he said he checked the UJ's when checking gearbox oil levels etc and all are fine.

I'll go and give it a go in the low box and see what happens. It seems to happen in all gears in normal drive.

I'll get him to double check the UJ's though.

Thanks for the advice.
Might be well worth looking more closely at the diffs. On my Disco I took the interior out and top off the tunnel to expose the gearbox and to listen to it ... With everything off, I, and another 'real' mechanic, were still convinced that the noise we were hearing was the gearbox. When we eventually got it onto a lift and ran it so we could listen it was immediately apparent that it was the rear diff causing the noise.

Don't forget, everything on the drivetrain is connected by hoolw shafts (Axles, Props etc) and noises at the rear are often heard (when driving) from the front!!
Very interesting, a great point you make about it all travelling down so i can hear at the front.

Will have a bit of a closer noise inspection in that case!

Thanks for the info
Mine had the same noise [whine] you discribe it turned out to be the bearings were pited on the input gear of the trany box.Easy to repair. Thats on a200tdi def; but tranys are more or les the same I think.
Mine had the same noise [whine] you discribe it turned out to be the bearings were pited on the input gear of the trany box.Easy to repair. Thats on a200tdi def; but tranys are more or les the same I think.

I think there's a modification to that input gear isn't there?
Very interesting.

I got a guy at rogers of bedford to have a listen to it yesterday and he hadnt heard anything like it before, but said all indicators point to the transfer box, which links in with what you were saying so sounds like its worth having a peak inside the box.

Following on from the earlier post also, i put it into low 4th and it didnt do it as loud but there was some sort of higher pitched whine still there.

Thanks for all your comments on this, really is appreciated as i dont want to pay out £450 for a new transfer box if i dont have to!

The higher pitched whine will probably just be the main box doing its normal job - bear in mind in low itll be spinning as fast as it wold at 60 MPH!

Sounds like your transfer box if that stopped the original noise.
Just to fill you in on the latest...

I have had a second mechanic have a listen to the whine and his prediction was that it was the "layshaft bearing" in the gearbox.

Does this sound likely to any of you?

Have any of you had this experience?

Is it likely to be too much of a problem over the next month say?

Does anybody know anywhere near bedford that do repairs such as this apart from a1 transmissions and ashwell transmission (luton) as they are after around 500quid to do the job, which as you can guess, i'd rather not pay if i can avoid it!

Just wanted your thoughts etc to help me make my mind up with what i do...

Many Thanks

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