
New Member
Hi, I have a problem with my early 90 2.5d... was running fine and then refused to start. It was low on diesel but I don't think empty... I re-filled it and followed the procedure in the LR manual to bleed it (I think correctly - I'm a bit sketchy with diesel engines). I also listened for the click for the cut-off solenoid herd nothing, so I replaced it... no better. All it will do is turn over and I'm not sure where to go from here, can anyone help?
When you bled it, did you get a stream of air free diesel from the bleed screw on the injection pump, did you perform this with the ignition ON?

Once you had bled the system up to the pump did you then bleed the injection pipes by loosening each union and turning the engine over on the starter (about 8seconds of cranking) until diesel spills from each union - then do them all up, and try starting.
Hi, as far as I can remember... I did not have the ignition on but it's a while back now... also I think there was a little diesel coming out but no great amount... I'll have a go as you have recommended and report back...

Thanks M
AIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Fresh air is good for you but not for your fuel system!

Make sure the self-bleeder banjo is clear if it has one on the filter head.

I you change the filter you need to bleed the head, or if you get some down to the IP you need to bleed the IP and if it goes down the injection lines you need to bleed them too.

If your lucky you will get away with only having to bleed the filter head on filter replacement.

Oh and if you run out of fuel and run it dry...
filling the filter with fuel just before you replace it usually negates the need to bleed the system

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