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So I have this wonderful Land Rover 90, 1987 and 2.5 petrol. I've had it since July and its been working fine, no problems. One or two things have needed to be sorted but nothing major.

Last week I did a longer drive than usual, over 2 hours worth of driving in three hours (it feels a lot in the landy) and I noticed that when I was coming up to junctions after the car had been in use for a bit, the idle tick rate was very low, and occasionally it would stall when in neutral. Thats been going on for about a week until this morning when things got a lot worse.

I seem to have lost all power. The engine starts up, ticks over but not very well, and the throttle doesn't do much. Pulling out the choke stalls the engine, and on flat groun the maximum speed I can get is about 2mph. As I needed to get home from work, I thought that 2 mph would be fine. Its usually a half hour drive but getting home late would be better than not getting home at all. So I plodded out of the car park eventually, then came to a downhill section. As I picked up speed (still in low ratio gears) the engine fired up and was working again as usual. I quickly changed to high gear ratios and first and second were fine. When I didn't have any throttle on, the engine would fizzle out, and when I was at low revs, the engine would go back to shis bull**** state where it has no power. The engine also splutters occasionaly (not so much if at all when idle, udually when I'm moving fast enough to get high revs from a low gear)

So downhill and high revs, engine is fine.
Uphill and low revs, engine hates life.

There are exhaust fumes blowing out from the engine area just under the carburettor which might be unrelated, it might be not. I Just don't know.

I took the air filter off completely and it didn't help, pulling the choke out makes things worse, the hoses all look intact but I'm not 100% sure.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Or any ideas of what it could be?
Has the little vac pipe popped off on the advance, it's a short pipe from base of carb in a u shape? Not the one that runs to the dizzy
Any fuel smell?
The weber 32 34 dmtl carb associated with this engine used to suffer float failure, the float used to get a hole in it and sink
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Im heading over to my dad's garage for some decent light soon and I'll check all of this out. Its not the original carb, I think its an SU carb but I'll check that out anyway. Thanks for the help!
Seen poor spark issues at coil trash the coil and almost cook em
Take off the dizzy look for spark when cranking at points
The choke effecting fueling makes me think there's an issue with fuel, worth at look at fuel delivery from pump and after filter then see if any filter gauze where fuel enters carb and maybe fuel jets for muck

I'm a rough arse but used to cover air intake fully for a brief movement on carb to force a purge, that used to clear the odd bits of muck sometimes
Something in the carb is sticking, the fuel valve thingy, I don't know the proper terminology, so a wiggle sorted it out for a bit. It was working alright but its gone back to being **** again. I'll give it another go in the morning before the last resort.... borrowing a Renault Clio :puke:

And then there is just the general exhaust problems, holes, holes and more holes. Plus backfires.
I'll grab some pictures later when I'm back from work, but it does look very similar to this
I missed all the light to get actual pictures, but yesterday I checked for oil and there was some. I took your advice and put some more oil in anyway. Lo and behold it is now working a treat *touch wood*

Thank you so much for the help, I always thought it would be something simple!

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