If it goes for cheap, might be worth breaking and selling the parts... If you have the time to mess about with such things.
Got one word for that.


Ive seen piles of turd that look better than that!
Gotta love the STIG impersonation in pics 3 & 5 though cos id wanna remain anonymous if i was driving it:p:D:D:D
Gotta love the STIG impersonation in pics 3 & 5 though cos id wanna remain anonymous if i was driving it:p:D:D:D

that wernt stig,
it were nobby in a muck suit in case he got derrrrty..

car/truck/buggy is ****e!

not even got a snorkal..
That is living proof that it's easy to spend money but a lot more difficult to end up with something worth having. What a useless pile of . . .
yeah I know, the ford thunderbird I did a little work on had one :p want that engine out of it :D
Doc is the one person with that rare, exquisite, inbuilt ability to make a good engine into a great non-runner!

It must have taken years of experience to achieve such high proficiency! :D :D

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