i suppose at this point i should mention some things that slightly inhibit my getting in to my fender.

I fractured my back (not ridiculously badly but its stiff) about 10 years ago at t4 level
i have both my ankles fused due to arthritis so have not a lot of flex in my feet
nerve damage in left foot
i have dodgy right knee
i have a chronic rotator cuff problem in my left shoulder

all that hurts somewhat.

so i think i can be excused the 'gay hop/slide' :p
i suppose at this point i should mention some things that slightly inhibit my getting in to my fender.

I fractured my back (not ridiculously badly but its stiff) about 10 years ago at t4 level
i have both my ankles fused due to arthritis so have not a lot of flex in my feet
nerve damage in left foot
i have dodgy right knee
i have a chronic rotator cuff problem in my left shoulder

all that hurts somewhat.

so i think i can be excused the 'gay hop/slide' :p

is yu fecked or ded? ;)
is yu fecked or ded? ;)

i is fecked. by rights i shouldnt be able to walk, let alone drive a fecking landy but i dont know the meaning of 'doing to much'

Life is for living eh, would rather die at 50 having had a full life than 100 having done feck all
i is fecked. by rights i shouldnt be able to walk, let alone drive a fecking landy but i dont know the meaning of 'doing to much'

Life is for living eh, would rather die at 50 having had a full life than 100 having done feck all

Feck me I thought you was at least 70.. :p Yu certainly sound it.. :D
I'm 5ft 9" ish.. & just put hand on wheel, foot in footwell, pull up and twist into position.
ya fecking athlete!

I can touch me toes, Whilst standing on 1 leg anorl. :p Not tried for a few years, but used to be able to kick a beer can off the top of a door. Was me party trick If I reached the can It was mine If I missed I gave you a can of beer. Never lost the bet. But I got ****ed a few times. :D
can't think how I get in my 2" lifted D1 on 235/70/16 road tyres I'll have to think about it in the morning and report back. I'm 6'3" so don't really struggle but it's funny watching my 4 year old climb in with no side steps lol can't wait to see what it's like with my 7.50/16 mud tyres on it
Would it help if you parked next to a high kerb?
Thats the trick I used as a kid and 'borrowed' my brothers pushbike :D
Parking at the roadside can help. I have been practicing today and i don't think there was any gayness, not that there is anything wrong in it.
i mentioned this thread to my manager today I'm 6'3" he's about 5'9" and he did a real camp hop and slide with the limp wrists and a gay slide out again lol tried to get him to do it again to get a video to put up but he wouldn't do it again.
I have figured how I get in, left foot in footwell lift up with hand on steering wheel and sit then I slide round and out
i mentioned this thread to my manager today I'm 6'3" he's about 5'9" and he did a real camp hop and slide with the limp wrists and a gay slide out again lol tried to get him to do it again to get a video to put up but he wouldn't do it again.
I have figured how I get in, left foot in footwell lift up with hand on steering wheel and sit then I slide round and out

Ahh so you use the 'gay slide' method to :p
I've been watching myself over the past couple of days. I tent to put my left hand on the steering wheel, and left foot in the footwell and give myself a bit of a boost with the right foot which is still on the ground at that point. That gets my bum on the seat and then I can slide over a bit and get my right leg in. Ignition on, and then I can put my seat belt on whilst the engine check and glowplug lights are on and then it's ready to start.
I've been watching myself over the past couple of days. I tent to put my left hand on the steering wheel, and left foot in the footwell and give myself a bit of a boost with the right foot which is still on the ground at that point. That gets my bum on the seat and then I can slide over a bit and get my right leg in. Ignition on, and then I can put my seat belt on whilst the engine check and glowplug lights are on and then it's ready to start.
I tried this today and initially my left foot kicks up the edge of the carpet and sound proofing so I need to lift it slightly higher than is natural for me. To address this I plan to do high knee lifts while watching tv in the evenings.

The seat is an inch too high to casually slide my arise onto the seat. I think it's slightly worse for me as they are cloth seats so sliding is not as easy as vinyl.

Pulling myself in needs more practice as I am not as flexible as needed to stoop my head in time.

This is definitely my favourite method as no campness required.
There has to be a technique to this. My 110 on 750x16s is bit too high to just launch onto the driver's seat from the ground, but if I put my right foot on the flip down step my head is well above the roofline.

So I have been stepping up then hunching while grabbing the steering wheel and lunging in, but is there a better technique?

Despite my height I used to have an MG Midget that easy to get in and out with the roof down, but with the roof on it was pretty much "roll out onto the pavement".

I'm only 5ft 4" with a 3" lift n big tyres, n i have to haul myself in by the steering wheel or door frame!!!lol oh n then jump out :D n i've got rx8 seats in so have a seat bolster to contend with too!

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