AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA - I nearly pukked I ws laughing so much....

I reackon you get more for second hand spunk.....
I think I bought the vehicle you're referring to!! Having read this thread after picking it up I've only just summoned the courage to own up!!! In my defence it does look and sound great, has had chassis sorted out and runs well. Not sure how thirsty it is yet though... Any watch outs to be aware of? hold the mocking - I get the picture that it's not the most desirable engine out there.
gotta couple of 6 cyl gearboxes I could do with shifting......buggers wont fit anything else!
Talking to a chap the other week with a 6 pot camper, he was telling me the 6 pot goes very well on gas, and he travels miles around the UK in his.


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