
D3 Grandad
Full Member

sorry to be a pain, but trying to find just the rear 60/40 seat for my 2002 td4 freelander.

all i can find are full sets that are over 150.00.

was trying to get one for around 60-70,

my reasoning is that my young lab suffers badly from car sickness , she is fine in a car when she can see out of a window but as soon as she gets in the back of the LF she barfs everywhere.

does anyone know where i can lay my hands on one of these seats please, looked on ebay etc.

thanks guys

I dont even have to get into a freelander to throw up..

I realise this is no help whatsoever.

sorry to be a pain, but trying to find just the rear 60/40 seat for my 2002 td4 freelander.

all i can find are full sets that are over 150.00.

was trying to get one for around 60-70,

my reasoning is that my young lab suffers badly from car sickness , she is fine in a car when she can see out of a window but as soon as she gets in the back of the LF she barfs everywhere.

does anyone know where i can lay my hands on one of these seats please, looked on ebay etc.

thanks guys


again, give dakar a call, maybe can help.

Contact Dakar
hiya, look as though ive found myself a complete leather set of seats and cards.

was just wondering what imm going to do with my commercial bits, ie the interior guard, and boot liner

thanks again guys as always for your kind help

A good idea isto try travelling with the pup in the back on a big comfortable dog bed or bean bag.When your moving at a speed that doesn't suck the exhaust fumes back into the car,lowerer the front windows an inch then the tail gate.
Give dog some water and a **** stroll,whenever he/she needs a break...soon will feel comfy in moving vehicle.
if your pup is really bad in the car, give her a sea legs tablet the night before the journey or u can use qwells, my ch rottie bitch was dreadful in the car and would be covered in vomit every time i took her to a show, shes doesnt even need the tablets anymore , or if you dont want to drug her start with small trips little and often !! and obviously dont feed her before a trip. x
I got a labrador pup too, he wasnt happy at first then I put a towel in the boot with him to lie down on and one of his favourite toys and hes great now no sickness and hes more than happy to travel!
Likes to jump out but not quite big enough to get in by himself although he keeps trying!
Think im going to teach him to wait then help lift him in so not to knacker his hips.
thanks guys, i have been opening the rear window so as you say the exhaust fumes must be coming in which is not helping her

will check online regarding tablets.

hopefully once i get the rear seats in and the side windows put in it will help her.

either that or she will barf all over me, better make sure i havent got a hooded top on ,lololo

appreciate the help

she is now 14 months old, she really gets herself in such a mess, dribbling and keeps slapping her chops, then throws up.

i have over many months sat in the back with her, then progressed closing the door, then driving a short distance then stopping.

will investigate regarding the tablets

all the best

the tablets work !! usually labs are good travellers !! but agree its not pleasent being covered in dog sick, or slobber and i know all about slobber !! have rotties and dogue de bordeaux !!(think turner and hooch )!! I show lots and lots and all us breeders use qwells or sea legs, eventually they get used to it !! just make sure you keep ur labs on the lean side being barrel ribbbed they always run to borderline fat and that doesnt help, alot of people use bach flower remedy for stress while travelling !!!keep trying ! 14 mth is still a baby, and like bigdenbailey says lift into the car !! hips are a problem in labs !! so is cruciate ligaments !!! **** that up and your looking at a major vets bill !! been there done that !!! xx
thanks. i keep her on a very strict diet so she doesnt get problems later on in life with her hips, plus do lift her in and out.

will look out for the tablets and keep trying.

hopefully when i get the back seats in and having a side window open for her to stick her nose out of should help her, as long as she doesnt barf up down the side of the car,lolol

thanks again


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