
New Member
Hi troops, I'm a noob here, so please be gentle with me!!!

I've been dreaming about a Landy for years (no, of course I don't NEED one!!!)

I have 4 kids, so I need 6 seats.

I also have a wife who is concerned about side facers...... fair enough, theyre banned in school minibusses because of all the broken pelvises after tail end shunts........


If I get a CSW or a 110 hard top, can I loose the front (& middle in the CSW) centre seat and put folding forward facers in the back?

would there be room between the middle row of folders in a hard top to allow access to the back row?

and how easy is it to get insurance for a layout change like this? Especially bearing in mind I'm in Northern Ireland, that little bit of the UK that is Oh so often listed at the bottom of TV insurance ads as not available in.......

Thanks in advance!!

Have you tried any of the insurance companys in the back of any of the landrover mags? Try sureterm for example and see what they come back with, just say you have this landrover set up already. Can't see a problem as long as you have seatbelts and it passes the MOT.
you can definately lose the centre seats in both he first and second row but the only landrover product i know with forward facing seats in the third row is the disco. not sure if you would be able to fi them in a csw but if you did i would think you would have to have an engineers report ofr a sva certificate. i would be tempted to get in touch with the dept of transport first ;)

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