
New Member
1970 S11A 109 SW

Pistons are marked with No. ( 1-6 ) but some have an A , while others have a B - is this an ' oversize ' indicator - or just a best fit when new ??

Am assuming that they are standard - if so any idea where I can get a set from ??? or failing that some oversize !!!
The workshop manual mentions standard and oner sized pistons but thats about it, are the markings in any particular order or formation?
if you are looking at the pistons from the exhaust side - ie flat part away from you - then the letters are at about 12 o clock - and the numbers are at 6 o clock ( and in piston order ie 1 at L - 6 at right )

4 pistons have an A - while No2 and No 5 have a B
It probably means Jack Squat - but just in case its important i spose i should find out :)

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