I done a 268 mile round trip to get my donor disco last week I know exactly what you mean by saying " Bloody hell, owt over 45 and the trailer started snaking " . Same thing happend here using a disco to tow with .
Shat myself .... had to stop on the hard shoulder it was that bad to repositon the
the disco on the trailer..... 4" further forward was all it took to make it stable again but everything looked level when we loaded it up -- More weight on the nose of the trailer is the best way to go :) ..

Yes, you need the weight slightly forward of the trailer wheels rather than slightly behind them. Get the weight a little too far back and the trailer will steer the towing vehicle. Also had all my spare diesel and tools in the one on the trailer so that didn't help either.
My problem was that the sidewalls of the tyres on the towing vehcle were too tall and soft, changing the vehicles over and using the one with low profile tyres solved the problem. Perhaps I could have pumped the tyres up hard on the old landy wheels but didn't have that option, should have thought of that before I left or swapped wheels over but too tired by that time to do any more physical stuff.

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