
hi new to this 4x4 lark iam buying my first one this week is anything i shouild be looking out for will this motor have a bmw engine or something else under bonnet how would i check for this thanks in advance
Have a look around the Gaylander section.

Yu need to be more conserned with wots under the body than the bonnet :eek:.
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dont do it.

spare yourself the grief and embarrasment of driving that thing in public. get a disco.
like lambs to the slaughter......

all that glitters just may not be gold,
but a turd sprayed wiv christmas tree glitter for the occasion......
Hi mate I have an 04 TD4, it is the BMW engine and in the 4 years I've owned it it's never let me down. Awesome 4x4 (but i've never taken it offroad lol)
nowt wrong with them a good crossover if your doing a lot of motorway work, mines done 110.000 with very little argro and if im taking my small caravan away and its wet grassy fields i would rather take the freelander than the disco, i await the abuse which will folllow.......:p
Oh yes and it does go off road!!
nowt wrong with them a good crossover if your doing a lot of motorway work, mines done 110.000 with very little argro and if im taking my small caravan away and its wet grassy fields i would rather take the freelander than the disco, i await the abuse which will folllow.......:p

I have both and although i love me gaylander and would never sell it when it comes to more than running round locally i always reach for the Disco keys :eek::D
I have both and although i love me gaylander and would never sell it when it comes to more than running round locally i always reach for the Disco keys :eek::D

Mine made short work of the snow and the floods that followed, like i said on wet grass the hippo every time, yes she cant take the heavy off road stuff but as a main set of wheels that has to do shed loads of dual carageway and motorways as well as the fun stuff, shes a star...
:crazy_driver:people give them stick but she spends a dam sight more time running then some mates with 90's and 110's, its all about horses for courses, if freelanders is right for you than its right for you......:eek:

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