
Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
So, I've ordered a Raptor Pod thing with 2 52 mm gauge holes, as I wanted to add a clock and boost gauge.

"I shall simply look on ebay and select one of each that match - how hard can that be?" I thought.....

It appears that it is quite impossible to have a clock and a boost gauge that match.

Anyone got any suggestions?
ive been struggling to find a nice looking 52mm timepiece. Many of them look like cheap tat!
ive been struggling to find a nice looking 52mm timepiece. Many of them look like cheap tat!

suits your shed then :p
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Says he wanting to buy stuff from it ;)

The far left one is alright, The others look nasty
Says he wanting to buy stuff from it ;)

The far left one is alright, The others look nasty

Get a rolex then use a bit of double sided tape to secure it to a bit of ply stuck in the 52mm hole?

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