
Hi all....... this must have been on a thousand times but I'm desperate.

Drove perfectly. No trouble engaging gears. New master cylinder already. No signs of clutch wearing out. Parked up, pedal flopped to floor and will not recover.

Ive had all the usual quotes to surrender my kidneys for a new clutch.

I suspect slave cylinder. Can get the parts myself but I need someone to fit it in PORTSMOUTH.
I'm too far away to help, but before you panic check the master cyl has fluid, and for any leaks/separation at the quick-release joint just before the bell housing.
Yes...... done that. Slightly tempted to get myself a trolley jack and get on with it.
I did our 02 Td4 clutch this summer. This link was helpful:

Tip: Lift the front end as high as you can, and undo the top two IRD-gearbox bolts before you release the engine mount. Get an AP clutch and slave.

Having said that, if I were to do the job again I'd probably hire an engine hoist and pull the engine out, as most of the struggle I had was related to the chassis getting in the way of things.

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