Skinny Mike

Well-Known Member
First things first I have not heard this noise.

After about 100 yards a very loud howling noise [that's what the wife said] comes from the rear? Of the car, passenger said front [great this innit]. And continues intermitantly for about 1 to 2 miles. Then stops abrubtly. Does not increase decrease with speed but stops when the car is stood still. Once its gone its gone, and does not start again til cold.
Just replaced both rear bearings, that stopped one noise but this ones kept on, started last Wednesday, car only driven to garage and back for bearings, didn't make the noise on way back from garage, but started again this morning.

Thing is I got in it tonight to test it and nothing! Not a sodding thing, never heard it make so little noise. So either the wife's mad [quite possible] or its one of those intermitant jobs.

All suggestions gratefully received
Brakes are fine, waiting to see if it does it again this morning. Been stood since 8 last night.
The wife calling in a bit.
Not a dickie bird this morning, wife says quiet as a mouse.
So is it temperature dependent?
Will get under it at the weekend and have another look.
Please post suggestions as to what to look for.
I was thinking FBH. Do you have one fitted ? You should notice a small exhaust around the passenger side front bumper
After about 100 yards a very loud howling noise [that's what the wife said] comes from the rear? Of the car, passenger said front [great this innit]. And continues intermitantly for about 1 to 2 miles. Then stops abrubtly. Does not increase decrease with speed but stops when the car is stood still. Once its gone its gone, and does not start again til cold.

my l.p. fuel pump be making a minor howling noise .. prior to engine ignition ..
then goes quiet .. .. been doing it last 2 cold mornings .. doesn't do it for the rest of the driving-day .. .. recently had 2 indications @ full go-pedal .. 4th gear .. upper rpm range .. 3500+ .. that all might not be well with the pump and filter .. ( no dashboard warning light ) .. all is normal on regular driving ..
engine be on 75k miles .. neither has been changed ..
getting both changed next week ..

anyhow .. mentioned it .. as the 'noise' does resemble a 'howl' .. albeit not loud ..


btw: i asked a LR techie if the l.p.pump works all the time ..
he said yes .. but much of the time whilst driving it 'freewheels' due to an internal pressure release valve ..
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with the brakes you need to take the drum off and have a look. it could be the clips come of the shoes or something like that but then again it could be nothing to be worried about but better checking
Going to have a check of the brakes.
Wifes just come home and no noise again today. Going to be cold tomorrow though, so she's going to record her drive to work incase it is cold weather related.
If nothing else at least i'll find out what she says about me behind my back!!

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