Yes totally standard td5

To be fair though you didnt say 725 what :p

on a related note my 300tdi auto only seems to be managing about 20 at the moment so time to even out the diesel with some golden stuff to save a few pennies methinks :)
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Bet he taught you to put handbrake on every time at the lights as well, you do don't you?

I think instructors teach people to indicate at the very last minute instead of in advance nowadays, and to turn to the left just before turning right when sat in the middle of the road so as to put the frights up any one coming up the inside:rolleyes:

Coasting is ok but not too much as some gearboxes need to be in gear to lubricate themselves. My disco would go for ages in neutral and hardly slow down in town.:)

But don't do it or you will die:eek:

Actually i do coast lol and i try and drive in 5th as much as i can.
And i always indicate at the correct times and have the correct position on the road:eek::D
To be fair though you didnt say 725 what :p

on a related note my 300tdi auto only seems to be managing about 20 at the moment so time to even out the diesel with some golden stuff to save a few pennies methinks :)

Wrong time of year to be putting veg oil in the tank unless you're being very careful, imo.
In the new Volvo truck if you set the cruise control
the engine will return to tick over and coast
on flat and engage on an incline,
when your speed is reached.
The retarder will hold your speed down hill.
Goes against everything I was taught.
Just started using a 300 auto so here goes.
A mechanic recently told me that its worth using the more expensive diesel like Shell VPower (?) as the better mpg it will give more than offsets the extra couple of pence per litre to buy the stuff

No idea if its true or not as havent tried it. I get my Disco 3 on saturday so I'll work out the mpg on standard diesel and then maybe try a couple of tanks of the expensive stuff to see if it is any better unless someone already has?
A mechanic recently told me that its worth using the more expensive diesel like Shell VPower (?) as the better mpg it will give more than offsets the extra couple of pence per litre to buy the stuff

No idea if its true or not as havent tried it. I get my Disco 3 on Saturday so I'll work out the mpg on standard diesel and then maybe try a couple of tanks of the expensive stuff to see if it is any better unless someone already has?

I always use shell fuel just normal stuff not the nitro plus or v power. And i think the results are outstanding.
I use to run my vauxall combo on sainsburys fuel and was getting nectar points, but then i changed to shell after 4/5 full tanks it was a different performance mpg the lot felt a new van and still does. And i fount the acceleration in 5th was improved.
So i run the disco on it and ive seen improvement in it aswell i no they arent made for speed but you can tell on how fast in different gears etc.

Im debating remap for disco to get more mpg its just the cost :D
Wrong time of year to be putting veg oil in the tank unless you're being very careful, imo.

Fair point, I wasnt planning on putting too much in per tank but every little helps. Need to make sure my fuel pump is Bosch first which I think it should be on a 98 auto?

ps I have read the threads on it but have one question if I may slightly hijack this thread - litre for litre and I appreciate I will be running a mix, will the overall mpg be better, worse or the same on oil?

I realise the saving is in the cost, but know that for a petrol lpg conversion the car will be less economical and less powerful when using the lpg compared to petrol so wondered if oil / diesel was similar?
In the new Volvo truck if you set the cruise control
the engine will return to tick over and coast
on flat and engage on an incline,
when your speed is reached.
The retarder will hold your speed down hill.
Goes against everything I was taught.
Just started using a 300 auto so here goes.

Just have to steer it then :rolleyes: :D
I used to buy at the local indy with cheapest fuel and they ran out of diesel a few months back and I had to resort to Esso ultra diesel, never looked back, mpg is better as is the cold starting and general running of the engine, seems to be more powerful too which means I am using less fuel to achieve the same result.

it is €0.10 cents/liter more expensive but the cost is off set and the better starting and running are worth any deficit in the costs which would only be a couple of cents tops.
On LPG we don't see a major reduction in performance and get 14-18mpg, which is roughly equivalent to 25mpg - 33mpg on a cost basis (73p for gas, 135p for petrol)

Best results are on a run and we don't hang around, but keep the right foot under control :D

Filled up on the 10th and just done 502 miles with some fuel left, its just above the red and was well below the red when I filled up. It's an auto with 54k on the clock.
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About 450 ish between fill ups. 300 tdi, raised suspension, 85 series AT's, few bolt on bits plus pump tweak and big intercooler....about 25mpg doing the work run which I mostly B roads and C roads round here, so not much in the way of cruising speed. Quite happy with that, could be better though, like the average of 35 on road tyres before I started tweaking things :)
The main difference between standard fuel and the likes of vpower, nitro+ etc is the content of bio fuel, the less bio fuel the better economy. There is less tax on bio fuel than standard fuel which is why it is more money. This is the reason that supermarket fuel is cheaper and not as efficient.

Bio Diesel is made from Rape seed oil, Bio Ethanol is made from Wheat grain.

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