Dont yu want our gallant young airman to be trained?:rolleyes: Its the same with search & rescue - if it wasnt for the armed forces using S&R as training, we wouldnt have an airborne rescue service at all, and they wouldnt get the experience.
they will probably get the RAF to shift it and it will be classed as a training flight .
ONLY the tax payer will foot the bill.
(Sorry wage slaves)

Would be good practice for them im sure but they can still send the dickwad****witretard the bill why should we (the tax payer) pay :D
coz it cost too much to administer and the ****wit wont have the money and would have to be traken to court and it would cost even more to recover nothing?
and again, I'll say the same thing:-
this just gives the anti 4x4 brigade ammo to fire at us for being" irresponsible"
hhmmmn, can think of a whole load of ideas for this:

2CV on the top of Snowdon

Cinema popcorn machine found on the top of Snowdon

Speedboat found on the top of Snowdon

could be like crop circles with everyone wondering how
total nugget !!,

but how can they charge him with dangerous driving ? , if no one was there to witness his driving no one was in danger , i'm sure a vehicle has to be driven in a manner as to cause harm or distress to be deemed dangerous , as many of you will agree to get be able to get that far up , you would have to be cautious and be able to pick your route , i doubt he went full bore .
They should allow every passer by to throw the biggest stone that they could find at it and then make the turd brain clean up the mess. I'd walk up there as many times as I could just to join in, instant cure for lard arses to shed some weight...
Well he got jailed for 22 months for his "stunt" :rolleyes:

22 months:eek: Poor sod, he might be a bit of a nob but 22 months seems very excessive considering that muggers, thieves and other people who have committed real crimes get away with a slapped wrist.

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