no alarm bells!

Mr Everett said: “I bought the car from new for £29,000.

“I was approached by a garage which said they had a buyer for the car. It seemed like they were reliable, so they took the car, but I kept the log book.
that is absolutely shocking behaviour by nene overland, I wonder if LRO magazine will be featuring this in their news article
still not had a response to my letter about duplicating dave philips column this month, was exactly the same, word for word as last month
I was talking to the N O bloke today!! And I went there cos I thought they could be trusted too. Gonna have to rethink my purchase now. :Cry:
wow even nene overland are at the b******s :doh::doh::doh: ... _1_2313154

I think Mr Everett must be pretty dumb to allow some random "garage" to take his car and Mr Harrison-Smith is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full weight of the law. This case needs some questions answering.

1) Who was the "garage" that took Mr Everett's car and are they being prosecuted?

2) How did the auction site allow the vehicle to go through a sale without proper title to the vehicle? Who entered the car in the auction? and are they being prosecuted?

3) How did this stolen car go through several supposedly reputable businesses hands without being picked up as stolen?

4) Are HPI etc checks worth anything? If Nene Overland can get caught out (If we believe Harrison-Smith)

5) Who has lost out financially? Has Mr Everett got his car back? Has the auction house paid the "Garage"? Has Nene Overland been refunded for their costs?

It all smells a bit funny to me!
guessing the guy who give the garage his motor couldnt claim on his insurance as he gave it to them the auction company need checking and the garage ok nene are ****s but not as big as the other 2 business's concerned
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An HPI check wouldn't have shown up if the owner didn't report it stolen beforehand. And while the guy at Nene is guilty of an offence, it's mainly trying to cut corners to sell the car faster. Whilst I agree it is unacceptable, it's not like he's part of some major criminal network ringing Landies unlike the other bloke. He cocked up once, and got caught out. You can bet he won't do it again, cos I'd imagine Cambs old bill will be keeping an eye on them.

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