Hi Guys

Is there a way of testing if my 4wd works?
As when I push down my yellow knob (to engage 4wd) should I feel anything happen?!
Also when I pull the red knob back to neutral to disengage the yellow knob doesn't pop back up as I was told should happen...hence making me wander!
I have to pull the yellow knob back up.

Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great.

Thank you

Apply parking brake, push knob down. jack up one front corner. Attempt to turn whichever wheel is now in the air - if you can, you've not got 4WD in.

Repeat with knob up and transfer lever back (should be 4WD low).

Linkages seize, springs get weak, some disreputable sellers disconnect things so you don't see a problem.

And the important question: does it have freewheeling front hubs?
Great thank you.
I'll give that a go. I don't have free wheeling hubs.
Hang on- just had a thought...does that mean if I engage 4wd and its not working and I'm on the road- would I not be able to steer?!

If 4wd is not working is it a big job for a mechanic to sort?

Thanks for your reply
What condition is the lift spring on the yellow knob shaft? It should be fairly strong to pop the knob back up :D

Mine used to wind it's way down through the little plate, and I occasionally had to screw it back up after disengaging 4WD!
If you engage 4wd on tarmac you'll feel a distinct juddering turning a tight corner. As for whether it's easy to sort or not it depends what's wrong. If you take out the drivers side floor pan you can see all the linkages
Hang on- just had a thought...does that mean if I engage 4wd and its not working and I'm on the road- would I not be able to steer?!

Steering and drive are two different systems. Lack of drive to the front shouldn't adversely affect the steering.

The only fault condition where one would affect the other is if the front wheels fall off! But I think you'd be able to diagnose that without much help.
I wouldn't be so sure!!

Ok thanks for all the info. I'll start by pushing yellow know down on tarmac and seeing if theres a big judder on tight corners.
Then go from there to jacking front wheel up.

As for the spring, not sure, the spring isn't visable but it doesn't pop back at all, I just have to pull it back up.

As for the spring, not sure, the spring isn't visable but it doesn't pop back at all, I just have to pull it back up.

The spring should be visible as it runs from the transmission tunnel, up the outside of the shaft to the yellow knob. If there isn't one thats why you have to pull it up.


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