oh. i was just a member yesterday. i still havnt been here as long as a lot of the other members so not sure if this has already been tried before and major problems caused it to be removed.

If you read back a bit, a wise man said it was a lot to do with liable.

Now I, for one, don't want to go there do you?
If you've had a bad experience tell us about it no names, then answer pms ;)
If you read back a bit, a wise man said it was a lot to do with liable.

Now I, for one, don't want to go there do you?
If you've had a bad experience tell us about it no names, then answer pms ;)

i understand the probs with libel but with clever use of writing in the post could solve this. like the press do when the ask whether the service recieved is their normal practice or if this bad case was a one off. therefore not accusing just asking a question but letting other members know of an issue with said garage or dealer. like maybe the prob with the non working vcus could be made in question formlike " was i the only person to recieve a non working vcu from ****** or have they sold any other non working parts to other customers?" i think this might get through the libel issues whilst still giving the members the info and allowing other members who have had similar probs to voice them by just answering the question.
What is the definition of libel?

The classic definition is:
"a publication without justification or lawful excuse which is calculated to injure the reputation of another by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule."
(Parke, B. in Parmiter v. Coupland (1840) GM&W 105 at 108)
ffs! the owners, via the Mods have said "No".

Which bit of that can you not understand?
This fred is totally meaningless. You might as well save your breff.
What is the definition of libel?

The classic definition is:
"a publication without justification or lawful excuse which is calculated to injure the reputation of another by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule."
(Parke, B. in Parmiter v. Coupland (1840) GM&W 105 at 108)

Well that int gonna happen here is it!? :D
i understand the probs with libel but with clever use of writing in the post could solve this. like the press do when the ask whether the service recieved is their normal practice or if this bad case was a one off. therefore not accusing just asking a question but letting other members know of an issue with said garage or dealer. like maybe the prob with the non working vcus could be made in question formlike " was i the only person to recieve a non working vcu from ****** or have they sold any other non working parts to other customers?" i think this might get through the libel issues whilst still giving the members the info and allowing other members who have had similar probs to voice them by just answering the question.

do yu not understand english??? :rolleyes: it aint gonna happen, how many times do you have to be told :doh:
So if one of you **** kickers bought a dodgy wippy aerial for your tractor and it didnt do what it said it would, would you feel like advising your other batty buddys on this forum about the bad product and service you have got? After all, you are all ready to jump onto IRD specialist. There are even threats of beatings in the thread. Yet it still remains as a sticky. Perhaps if *********** had actually come on the forum and explained themselves then the thread wouldn't have got out of hand enough to make them "supposedly" threaten legal action. After all if i my companywas getting bad press on a forum, i would atleast try to defend myself. Once again i will say that it was me who actually told david beaumont about the thread on this forum so he did actually have chance to do the above. He chose not too.

I expect they are still selling said units to unsuspecting customers. And you guys are happy to let your so called forum friends/members buy without warning.

Perhaps you should make this more of a Private club than a forum.
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So if one of you s**t kickers bought a dodgy wippy aerial for your tractor and it didnt do what it said it would, would you feel like advising your other batty buddys on this forum about the bad product and service you have got? After all, you are all ready to jump onto IRD specialist. There are even threats of beatings in the thread. Yet it still remains as a sticky. Perhaps if *********** had actually come on the forum and explained themselves then the thread wouldn't have got out of hand enough to make them "supposedly" threaten legal action.

I expect they are still selling said units to unsuspecting customers. And you guys are happy to let your so called forum friends/members buy without warning.

Ok. I'm getting fed up with you now. Mention the name again and you're gone. No ifs, No buts.:mad:

The same goes for swearing outside anything goes
Ok. I'm getting fed up with you now. Mention the name again and you're gone. No ifs, No buts.:mad:

The same goes for swearing outside anything goes

Lol. you have just proved my point. F**king cock. How many times have i been threatened with being banned. Please dont think your doing me a favour by not banning me. I only come on here to bait you batty boys anyway. Im sure i could create a new account and continue doing so if i wanted too. Thats the wonder of 3g, No ip address. Or i could go through a proxy server even. Or i could create a new account at work. So ban me, go and stroke your cock for a bit as i suspect its the only power you posess in your life and revel in the "well done ratty, your the mod of the century, we all really look up to you" F**king Dick.
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