I agree. The section about IRD specialist is still a sticky thread at the top of the front page, yet I put a thread up about B******s and it gets removed. Im guessing the admin must have some kind of special relationship with them. Its nice to see that the admin remove a thread warning people not to use a company who are ripping off the very people using theire forum.

Here is the email i got from admin explaining the removal of the thread::::

Hiya Mate

The reason that the thread has gone walk abouts is because LZ was threatened with legal action over what was stated. Nobody is disputing what you said isn't true but unfortunately the site owners don't like spending their whole time in court.

(if I could please ask you to keep this to yourself)


Just ask yourself. Slander vs trade description????????

So which part of 'if I could please ask you to keep this to yourself' was it hard to understand?

There is no comspiracy theory. There are no back handers going on. The reason for removing the thread is cos you don't pay the solicitors bill. The forum owners do.

If you believe that Myself, Si or Mod1 are taking back handers or are in cahoots with the company in question then feel free to report us to the site owners for them to clarify the situation.

As stated already it is a banning offence to post the contents of a pm. Please don't do it again.
ok so i understand posting p.ms isnt good but why the secrecy? were not idiots and can understand why a thread could be removed if it could bring the site into disripute but why the keep it to your self bit. the p.m doesnt smack of conspiricy in itself but the bit on the bottom about keeping it to himself does. have some faith in your members guys. we are grown ups (at least the freelander guys that is. lol) so if a post could get the forum in trouble let us all know so we can offer advice about rewording. i was advised by one of our members to look at the cag forum and have joined that and the stuff on there that people write would make the stuff written on here look majorly tame and thats what gave me the idea of maybe seeing if someone on here with some legal expertise could look at a name and shame sticky and make sure it didnt get the forum into trouble but still gave us members the info about companies that dont offer the service the say they do. transparency is everything on forums like this. as soon as members think things are being hidden then you lose all credibility even if its not warrented. the p.m sent to 2001td4s should have been put at the bottom of the offending post explaining its removal and thus letting the rest of us know why. i still think a name and shame list is in order but maybe try and find someone to check the wording as i said in my post. we can make it a members rating site. if they received good service or bad. it doesnt just have to be about naff places and if a rep from one of the places mentioned wants to come on and explain why the bad service was received then they can come on as guests. i love this forum but when p.ms are sent and members are advised not to let other members know about them then you lose the trust of other members and prob even the member you p.ming. i have no issues at all with the p.m. just the part about keeping it secret and if i get banned for saying this then i just want to say its been a pleasure chatting with the guys and girls on here and thanks for all the help and advice.
ok so i understand posting p.ms isnt good but why the secrecy? were not idiots and can understand why a thread could be removed if it could bring the site into disripute but why the keep it to your self bit. the p.m doesnt smack of conspiricy in itself but the bit on the bottom about keeping it to himself does. have some faith in your members guys. we are grown ups (at least the freelander guys that is. lol) so if a post could get the forum in trouble let us all know so we can offer advice about rewording. i was advised by one of our members to look at the cag forum and have joined that and the stuff on there that people write would make the stuff written on here look majorly tame and thats what gave me the idea of maybe seeing if someone on here with some legal expertise could look at a name and shame sticky and make sure it didnt get the forum into trouble but still gave us members the info about companies that dont offer the service the say they do. transparency is everything on forums like this. as soon as members think things are being hidden then you lose all credibility even if its not warrented. the p.m sent to 2001td4s should have been put at the bottom of the offending post explaining its removal and thus letting the rest of us know why. i still think a name and shame list is in order but maybe try and find someone to check the wording as i said in my post. we can make it a members rating site. if they received good service or bad. it doesnt just have to be about naff places and if a rep from one of the places mentioned wants to come on and explain why the bad service was received then they can come on as guests. i love this forum but when p.ms are sent and members are advised not to let other members know about them then you lose the trust of other members and prob even the member you p.ming. i have no issues at all with the p.m. just the part about keeping it secret and if i get banned for saying this then i just want to say its been a pleasure chatting with the guys and girls on here and thanks for all the help and advice.

I think the meaning of PM is Private Message, so which bit of private message don't you understand. :rolleyes::D:D

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