New Member
I made a long trip for me today 300 miles in my 04 TD4, so I thought I would check the MPG, I put 20 liters of diesel in (the fuel Gauge was showing just before the red and after the 20 liters it showed not quite half full) I drove very steady at 55 to 60 MPH when the Fuel Gauge showed just before the red, I had covered 202 miles that is 45.91 MPG.
Allowing for any mistakes on reading the fuel Gauge etc 45 MPG is not bad.

Before carrying out the work listed bellow the MPG was about 31 MPG.

Work Carried out.

1. Serviced, changed engine oil and filter, Gearbox oil, Transfer box IRD oil,
rear diff oil and crankcase filter unit.

2. Fitted new rear fuel pump and filter.

3. Removed EGR valve and fitted a bypass valve.

4. Cleaned inlet manifold.

5. Fitted RoverRons Synergy 2 digital tuning module with Pierburgh MAF.

6. Removed VCU and prop shafts (MONDO MOD).

7. Added millers diesel sport 4 to the fuel.

8. fitted new brake pads and shoes.

9. fitted a performance BMC air filter.

10. Fitted new ignition switch. (Not MPG related)

11. Fitted new starter motor solenoid contacts. (Not MPG related)
My TD4 is always in the low forties and I don't do now't to it!!

Looks like yours really needed all that tinkering!!


Fuel gauges in my experience are not accurate enough for MPG checks, I always neck the tank at a garage with level forecourt then when I next fill up I use the same garage and if possible the same pump.
Fuel gauges in my experience are not accurate enough for MPG checks, I always neck the tank at a garage with level forecourt then when I next fill up I use the same garage and if possible the same pump.

Sparky why don't we change to the fuel gauge method for working out our mpg? We will get much better figures and surely our fuel bills will go down! ;)
anyone who calculates their fuel comsumption to 2 decimal places needs psychiatric help.

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