Hi there,
I am more than happy to sign up to pay LZ for helping to advertise on here.
I have offered to do so once i was told about this rule in a previous post.

can you point me in a direction of the owner of this site? like an email address? ive no problems with that at all.

Im sorry if ive offended people as Im only bringing in the lights myself to sell on from home for a much cheaper price than some UK suppliers with personal back up.

Im currently sat at home with a broken foot and off work for 4 months so far so im quite bored and keeping myself busy! Cant even drive my own land rover!

If you want to buy the light bars as previously stated in other ebay links then go for it, i wont stop you! its not a problem as its just a hobby for me not a commercial venture.


Top o the page on the left under forum


Donate! ;)
Fair enough. PM Accywingy and Roy

No hard feelings, I'm just turning into a right bugger about checking these sales forums to make sure people aren't taking the **** :D
Hi there,
I am more than happy to sign up to pay LZ for helping to advertise on here.
I have offered to do so once i was told about this rule in a previous post.

can you point me in a direction of the owner of this site? like an email address? ive no problems with that at all.

Im sorry if ive offended people as Im only bringing in the lights myself to sell on from home for a much cheaper price than some UK suppliers with personal back up.

Im currently sat at home with a broken foot and off work for 4 months so far so im quite bored and keeping myself busy! Cant even drive my own land rover!

If you want to buy the light bars as previously stated in other ebay links then go for it, i wont stop you! its not a problem as its just a hobby for me not a commercial venture.


So you pay no taxes then............ Cheating the government....... you on benefits, sounds like it
So you pay no taxes then............ Cheating the government....... you on benefits, sounds like it

Thor thats a personal attack on myself when you dont even know my situation.

I am completely deaf and have a form of cerebal palsy so I do recieve DLA as I have done since birth.
Although even though i have the above, i want to work and the govt know I can work and I have done so since leaving education, always paid my taxes and NI like everyone else. i have always worked hard to get to where I am in life and its only because of a unfortunate accident last July that Im unable to work at the moment due to a shattered foot, it might surprise you im not claiming benefits for this at all, I am on SSP with my employer as I hope to be back in work from mid january! Doctors are impressed with my rapid recovery from such a serious injury and I want to be back in work ASAP as I miss my job greatly.

I hope this helps you to learn not to paint everyone with the tar of the benefit scroungers.
PS thank you bromsgrove

I have PM'ed Roy and to discuss what has been pointed out by the replies and i will let you all know how i get on with him

thank you all for your help and I will await a reply from my PM.

As you can see from my post count im relatively new and I can see that LZ is quite different to the other forums im used to and a regular on.

I wasnt quite expecting to be branded a benefits scrounger! haha but ill take it light heartenly if he meant it that way.

water off ducks back and all! :)
Thank you Trax :)

These two landies are the love of my life!

After the mrs and my daughter of course haha



  • 247602_10151097060800662_605561518_n.jpg
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iv ordered quite a few bits from china and Hong Kong and never paid any duty ! ?!?

their very friendly shops over their and they consider all items to be a gift to you. how kind :p lol
iv ordered quite a few bits from china and Hong Kong and never paid any duty ! ?!?

their very friendly shops over their and they consider all items to be a gift to you. how kind :p lol

i ordered an led house lightbulb once for a couple of quid, but they put the value down in whatever ching chong money they used and it said something like 200 or whatever on the ticket.

bloody taxman charged me £40 to get it! and to top it, parcel force wanted £16 for the priviledge of writing to tell me that.

had a right faf getting my money back.
i ordered an led house lightbulb once for a couple of quid, but they put the value down in whatever ching chong money they used and it said something like 200 or whatever on the ticket.

bloody taxman charged me £40 to get it! and to top it, parcel force wanted £16 for the priviledge of writing to tell me that.

had a right faf getting my money back.


unlucky :D

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