The gearbox splines where the n/s drive passes back through the gearbox from the diff can wear and give no connection.

I had to replace my gearbox because of this problem. I was already running 2wd at the time due to not having a prop on when I bought it. But I had o/p from the Ird rearwards and the o/s wheel had drive. But because the n/s drive shaft was effectively disconnected as well as the prop I had no drive whatsoever ever.

The noise on take up of drive will be the splines almost catching in the gearbox but not quite.

It is usually the splines in the ird side that go.
I ended up replacing the gearbox and ird at the same time 1, because it is easier to do them both at the same time and 2, I assumed it was the ird at fault on the first place and had bought it first!

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