
New Member

Can anybody help me out with some advice.

Ok from the begining

The thrust bearing had collapsed on my rangie (4 speed manual) so I took the gearbox off but instead of taking out all the interior I dropped down underneath.

No problems there, to get the box out I took off the gear selector with it in neutral.

Put the new thrust bearing on no problems

Struggled for about an hour with a mate to get the gearbox back on but it went on eventually.

Clutch all working fine again but put the gear selector back in and now it is stuck in a forward gear, not sure which one.
The selector goes in as though its still in neutral and moves left to right and over as though going into reverse but wont go into any gear
Starting the engine spins the prop shafts, press the clutch and they stop, but cant get it back into neutral even though technically the gear selector is in neutral.

Can anyone help out with some advice PLEASE

Thanks Rob
I reckon one of yer selector rods is engaged. It may have happened whilst you were struggling with the gearbox. It may just need popping back out. This would explain the permanent forward gear. This happened to me although it was a series box.

Regards WP.

Many thanks wesley, It was what you said.
I took off the top selector cover and one of the rods had indeed engaged so popped it out of gear and job done.

And also managed to take it off roading today so im a happy bunny.



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