
New Member
Hi, I have a 1989 Vogue SE classic, and I cannot lock my O/S/F door using the key, and cannot see what should be happening with the levers and rods on the lock mechanism inside the door, they all appear to be moving OK, but don't want to lock the door, thus also not activating the central locking :confused:

Does anyone know what can be at fault, and tell me the cure please, Thanks
Sorry mate, I'm a P38 man myself but I've fixed various car locks in my time and what I've found is that where the rods connect to the various joints and things you progressively get wear until it all adds up to the time when something isn't moving as far as it should.

With the door card off firstly con the lock into thinking that the door is shut by flicking the mechanism that holds the door closed. Then do what you want to do and watch how the rods move. Then push or pull each bit of the mechanism a little further and see if you can get it to do what you want. If you track the fault, a short term fix can be bending the rod slightly to take up the wear.

If you're still stuck by the weekend and fancy a second set of eyes send me an address by PM. At the moment I'm not working Saturday morning (although that could change at any time) and my Rangie could do with a run.
I dont fully get yer prob but on mine it was the same. adjustment of the solenoid on its elongated screw holes solved it.
cool I will send you an invite to our 3 door RRC group, would be good to see you there. I have started rebuilding mine and Hope to have it on the road even if its not completly finshed before easter!

Did you try adjusting the solenoid location yet?
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Did you try adjusting the solenoid location yet?
Yes, but it made no difference.


I have removed the door panel, and can see all the mechanism, and can see that the private lock control rod(No.6 in the pic) does not seem to do anything to the lock itself, but I cannot see this clearly as the window channel is in the way.

Any other idea's??
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silly question but is it attched both ends? ask in the group some of the guys have had there whole car in boxes and built back up again so might know.
shouldn't it be symmetrical with the N/S/F door that is working? Just look how it works there.
Ok, i'm probably missing something here.....
shouldn't it be symmetrical with the N/S/F door that is working? Just look how it works there.
Ok, i'm probably missing something here.....

I have checked the opposite side, and it appears that the o/s/f private lock control rods, and linkages are worn, so allowing excess movement and not opening/closing the lock. I guess a replacement is in order, just need to find all the necessary bits.

Any sneaky recommendations ???

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