
Well-Known Member
Took head of right bank of 4.6 v8 its a late one done 30k miles rebuilt a month ago replaced a liner as it had a crack radiator failed last week hg blown head off now on pots 2 and 4 if I run my nail across the join between the block and the liner it catches not much but just a little - has the liner moved?
Any ideas welcome chaps
Should really have had them all 8 top hatted at the same time. Liners slipping are almost a guarantee on the V8.
The engine had only done 20k and had a crack in no 8 very small but just visible there was no slippage of liners but it blew top hose clean off my local man replaced the liner I rebuilt it ran like a dream and rad let go because a I didn't put a new one in and b faulty cap so cooked again so here we are my dearly beloved wants me to sellit or burn it but I love it and will just rebuild her again
Right I had a mate over who is an aircraft engineer who is of the opinion that I am being paranoid and that the liners havent slipped he also pointed out that the two are nos 2 and 4 and the heat was between 6 and 8 anyway he has convinced me to have the heads skimmed think this is the last one not a lot of meat on there and reassemble so my cost is a head gasket and bolts so going to try it as when I did the rebuild forgot to put the engine lifter on the back of the thead oh and I also believe in fairies and santa clause.
Will keep you all posted on outcome but am ready to replace the liners or block

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