DUMP THE AMMETER!!! fit a proper alternator..i got a 150 on mine!!no problems and my loom as 44 yrs old!!just run a decent wire from alt to batt..job done.(via a 150a fuse..called megafuse)

anyway, its not like car original..as like me you put a decent engine in her/hm.BESIDES YOU NOW RUNNING AIRCON!!! your oe alt WILL NOT DO!

so hows things???
I might as it's not moving much atm anyway- I've got another two to try though and I kind of like it :p this engine will look orginal though so ho hum not sure, got lots on the go atm mate text me Tomoz ;)
hey all, forum looks a bit odd these days :eek:

just a holding message, engines done but still on the stand- life just got in the way recently, will update more soon when Im fitting it.

How is everyone? whos still about?
I am, but to be honest i only started watching your thread as i thought you were re building the M62 4.4 engine :oops:
Cracking thread though

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