Indeed, thats the next job- gotta find out what size to order bits as its been apart before for certain as its all engraved and also has composite headgaskets. I think I am going to go tin as I have a set of payne ones and I want to keep the compression higher!
Indeed, thats the next job- gotta find out what size to order bits as its been apart before for certain as its all engraved and also has composite headgaskets. I think I am going to go tin as I have a set of payne ones and I want to keep the compression higher!

oversize bearings are generally stamped on back.
Hey Fett, here are the photos of your new carb? the hidden word is Bendix by the way. Looks like it has come off a jet boat if i was to gamble. You use to be able to by these motors brand new for jet boats.
When I go to pick up oil for my motor i will see if they can give me a price on the carb gasket set for you.






PS sorry about poor pictures. They were taken from my cellphone on a wet evening.
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thanks mate, that looks like the right model of carb- we just need to check if its for ford, holden or leyland. if you can look where the little nozzels (with the screw on the outside) come out below the butterflys right at the bottom in the bores you should see a few little holes. we want 3 , tell me it has three :D

Just won a pair of recently refurbished p76 heads on ebay for £131 , mind you it is £173 for shipping lol

still should save me a lot of work/cash if they are good :D
SCORE , thats the right carby :D

nice one rappy, do you have a company who would do a good re-furb on it over there where they are more common? if not I have to pay £100 , plus vat plus postage and buy the kit from the southern hemisphere for the company in the UK today which seems a little cheeky.

Thanks for all the help mate, your a star!
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I will see if i can get a kit from the v8 shop that i am planning to get my oil through. If you just wanting it rekitted i can do it for you. Some kits are good and include the jets etc.
I will see if i can get a kit from the v8 shop that i am planning to get my oil through. If you just wanting it rekitted i can do it for you. Some kits are good and include the jets etc.

Thanks rappy it will need a complete overhaul as I dont want to get in to trouble over here where no one knows fook all about that type of carb lol. If you can do it mate I will pile on the beers next time I come there or you come here, if you need to send it to a carb shop over there so long as its less than £100 and comes back like new its still a baragin in my book as the people here ,even at the best places I wouldnt think really know much about the WW carbs as we dont use em in the uk .

Thanks for all the help mate, couldnt do it without you.
Right gents a couple of hours in the garage tonight got the front end apart and a better look at the pistons.

Land Rover Zone - fett's Album: front end apart

I have to confess I lost patients with the crank nut when it truned out to be 1''1/2 and my biggest socket out of 5 sets was 1''1/8 so I did get a bit brutal with a cold chisel a huge pair of stilsons and one of the legs from my engine hoist but I have to say it worked a treat- I just need to figure out how to get the cold chisel out of the starting handle drive and shes good :eek: :D

I am going to go for one of these roller sets unless anyone has better advice?

Rover V8 Engines 3.5,3.9,4.2 Heavy Duty Timing Chain & Gear Set | eBay

its a shame as it has a rollmaster all steel set on there now but its slack as fook. I found another rollmaster for this exact engine but I cant figure how it drives with my keyway set up or what the bolts are for:

I have a chain to match the Roll Master style. I bought by accident and didnt relise they are like a double bike chain rather than the odd Rover style one. If you watch a 4x4 is born it should give you an overview on setting up the timing with the adjustable pulleys.
yeah but its really slack lol, I think there is as much play on one side as there should be on both combined lol.

I could remove a link if I can find my old bike tool :p

Joke :D

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