Cheers guys, is the MAF the same on the gems 4.0 and 4.6? Guy with the MSV Faultmate has access to a 4.6 I believe so could definatly be worth a swap over, I also have a new fuel filter as part of my service kit which I ran out of time to fit so I'll give that a try and see what happens

The inlet manifold has been changed to a 4.6 at some point so I'll check for that pipe as well.
The only dodgy thing I did noticed is a blocked off pipe at the front right which if I've read right is for the cruise control?

Rasheed, I don't get anything from your link, I did search as always before posting but it just kept coming up with starting issues for the diesel, If you would like to share some wisdom then please do...
Frosty, I was thinking of the fuel pressure regulator and tried to help you out with the search results.
Frosty, I was thinking of the fuel pressure regulator and tried to help you out with the search results.

Thanks Rasheed, I'll have a look for that. When i clicked your link it just came up with a blank which is why I asked. ;) Cheers for the help mate and I'll post up thoses pics for you as soon as I get home by the way.
I had a similar problem this winter with my 4.2. Long, difficult start then stumbling through the low revs until I broke 2000 or so an then it would run all day, providing I stayed above 2000 rpms. It eventually died on the side of the road and would not start and I towed it home.

I started with fuel pump and filter, moved on to the pressure regulator, did the cap and rotor, checked plugs (cleaned and gapped) and then I went and checked my coils resistance on both windings and found that the secondary windings was bad. After a new coil and condenser Sir Stinky was on the road again.
Ok, so I'll have a nose at the FPR and check the coil over the weekend. Cheers guys

Having a further look on the net and read a bit about reseting the adaptive values after changing any sensors over. Does this need to be done with the ECU temp sensor? As it would maybe explain why its not coming up as a fault on my pals MSV faultmate but the symptoms are still there???
also check the little rubber pipe which fits on the fuel pressure reg at the rear of inlet manifold has not split or perrished

Ok, pipe is spot on. No cracks or splits and the MAF is genuine.

Mate with the MSV is going to check if he's got a MAF. Sadly what I thought was a petrol P38 is actually a diesel but reakons he might have one on his 4.6 engine in the garage... worth a try anyhow but sadly I can't be assured that its 100% ok or if its even there!

I checked the price for a new OEM one and nearly fell off the seat...£1508.80!! :eek:

Been doing more reading about reseting the adaptive values but can't seem to find a solid answer if the ECU temp sender would be affected by this. I've read that everything needs to be spot on before doing this so I'm a tad concerned about doing a reset with the starting issue. Can anyone shed any light?
Resetting ECU adaptive trims means that timing, ignition and fuel mixture are returned to default mapping, that's all. Resetting it shouldn't be seen as anything more dramatic than resetting your trip meter every time you fill the tank.
Little update,

Fuel pressure reg changed and proven MAF fitted... a bit better but still not starting straight away. Got to put her in for its MOT retest tomorrow then its off to Lauder and MSV faultmate guy!

I'll keep everyone posted but starting to think its possibly a weak fuel pump...

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