or a LR Discovery
Wouldn't recommend a discovery
Incidentally, I've been having a think back over all the cars I've ever towed with and the range of things I've towed. I would say, a good figure to work on for steady motorway work is 50-60% of what you get solo.
So, for example, if you normally get 22mpg from your rangy at 80mph on clear motorways (As I do regularly) I would expect to see 12-14mpg towing at a steady 60mph on a clear run.
My merc does 45mpg on the runs at 80 and around 28mpg towing at 60-65mph under the same conditions.

I must say though, I always seem to get far better MPG on the german autobahns than UK motorways, not sure if the fuel is different or if it's just that the german autobahns are generally less busy, therefore less braking/accelerating.
Zat ees just zee winds of der Farter land pushing you along, snell, snell!
I never said I stuck to the regulations. You always stick to 70mph with your car on the motorway?

Yes I do & what's more I'd stick to the 60 limit when towing as well. I've held a clean licence since I started driving in 1963 & that's despite spending 25 of those years driving heavy trucks & buses/coaches for a living. I can't see anything to boast about when admitting to breaking regulations, you'd better be either good or lucky if you suffer a blow-out when towing at those speeds & lets hope you don't involve other innocents in your disaster.
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I agree, motorcycle licence 1962 car licence 1963. I really don't see the point in driving like a bloody lunatic, too many on the roads do that these days. Have done some and fortunately survived. But eventually realised it's better to be late in this life than early in the next one.
......So anywho, when are you meant to pick up the RRC?

Nevermind, just saw your other thread. *facepalm*
If i ever start to dribble and think about caravans & camper vans i shall reach for a cyanide pill or the latest offer from Travel Lodge ;) ...whichever one
is within reach has to be better than them :D:D:D:D

Is a chilling thought....my fear is that as we age we shall begin to see patterned velour as the best thing ever!
Next stage is the joy of waterproof high back chairs that cosset your boney and leaky derrier........

Shoot me now.
Is a chilling thought....my fear is that as we age we shall begin to see patterned velour as the best thing ever!
Next stage is the joy of waterproof high back chairs that cosset your boney and leaky derrier........

Shoot me now.
Then you buy range rovers because you can't get in and out of normal cars.
Oh I can still get into normal cars, trouble is I have concentrate if I want to do it silently,

That wee involuntary grunt sneaks up on you..:(;)
I normally tow with an "A" frame and haven't noticed any difference, but then it's usually 12 miles...

Last year, towed our caravan with the Rangey and had to, ermm hoof it a bit because I had to work and extra hour and her indoors was STILL not ready o_O

Averaged 13.8mpg over almost 50 miles and included some overtaking.

Lets just say we left at 20:23 and arrived at 21:17 and no motorways, only 7 miles of dual carriageway, a steeeeep hill up and miles of A roads.

One clown saw us coming, saw the caravan and decided that we were just a figment (at that moment I was on cruise at 60mph) so pulled into my path and accelerated like a slug on a frying pan. I was forced to slow right down for him. However, when the oncoming had went, I was out and off like a scalded rat. And even though the arse tried to accelerate to prevent me passing, I still left him in my wake flashing his lights in frustration :p

Made it to the site, got the paperwork and reversed onto the pitch in the pitch dark, squared her up, unhooked, leveled, leccy & water sorted and into the bar for the back of ten :D
Believe me, you wouldn't want me anywhere close to any DIY :D

PS: there is maybe a reason why gypsies choose German caravans and not British ones to live in and why they tow them with a Japanese 4x4 and not a Range ;)

Anyway, I don't care about image whatsoever. I don't see why I should go on holiday in a cramped caravan and tow it with a BMW X5 or a LR Discovery because of what other think.
What other think is their problem, not mine. :cool:
Have to say i do like that caravan, not really into caravans but think I'd be happy with yours! Oh, and towing it with a S63 AMG is the icing on the cake!!

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