dont know the ins and outs and whether its a viable option..but could a solar panel charging the 3rd battery work?

if it was about 3 meter squared, there's not a lot of current to be got from those - mind it's probably sunnier over there than here

they'd be fine for keeping it topped up
im liking the sound of this solar power stuff. But, why do you have that set up? Does it mean you can run stuff without the engine being on? also is there a storage unit for the solar energy?> or does it just work during daylight. was it a good investment? any pics?
im liking the sound of this solar power stuff. But, why do you have that set up? Does it mean you can run stuff without the engine being on? also is there a storage unit for the solar energy?> or does it just work during daylight. was it a good investment? any pics?

wouldn't know as i haven't got one. does anyone have an A/C pulley they don't want? can pay with your english pounds if need be.
Have two large solar panels set up in a very sunny part of the world.

The starage unit you speak of is a battery :) - They are used to charge the battery!

To get a decent amount of power output - like Sean said you need a big one, and a decent one - not one of those little ones you put on the dash board

Other option is a three way chargering system - Sterling make some decent elecronic split chargers that monitor each battery , and send the correct amount of charge to each one.

If you have three individual banks of batteries you will need to have independant circuits running of each one!

I would still go for two banks of batteries, the best option is identical batteries in each bank, but i have done it with non identical ones, but its not ideal, but does work (not as effienctly, and one will die sooner than the other)- just depends what you want
Have two large solar panels set up in a very sunny part of the world.

The starage unit you speak of is a battery :) - They are used to charge the battery!

To get a decent amount of power output - like Sean said you need a big one, and a decent one - not one of those little ones you put on the dash board

Other option is a three way chargering system - Sterling make some decent elecronic split chargers that monitor each battery , and send the correct amount of charge to each one.

If you have three individual banks of batteries you will need to have independant circuits running of each one!

I would still go for two banks of batteries, the best option is identical batteries in each bank, but i have done it with non identical ones, but its not ideal, but does work (not as effienctly, and one will die sooner than the other)- just depends what you want

have you got any details on the sterling system?
You're an idiot. Whats with your 3 battery set up. What the hell do you want 3 batteries for? Are you trying to be smart? 3 batteries & 2 alternators? Come and see me in my shop. I'll tell you about batteries. You gotta laugh at these people. Dumb ass. And I'll tell you now. The 110A Leisures are not what they're cracked up to be. Will fix your "problem" with a couple of Odyssey's.
You're an idiot. Whats with your 3 battery set up. What the hell do you want 3 batteries for? Are you trying to be smart? 3 batteries & 2 alternators? Come and see me in my shop. I'll tell you about batteries. You gotta laugh at these people. Dumb ass. And I'll tell you now. The 110A Leisures are not what they're cracked up to be. Will fix your "problem" with a couple of Odyssey's.

Are you related to BoB?? cos your almost as big a prick as him. :mad:
You're an idiot. Whats with your 3 battery set up. What the hell do you want 3 batteries for? Are you trying to be smart? 3 batteries & 2 alternators? Come and see me in my shop. I'll tell you about batteries. You gotta laugh at these people. Dumb ass. And I'll tell you now. The 110A Leisures are not what they're cracked up to be. Will fix your "problem" with a couple of Odyssey's.

so i'm a dumb ass am I ?

you come and see me here and we'll have a little chat shall we.

if you ain't got anything constructive to say, sit in your shop and shut the fucc up
so i'm a dumb ass am I ?

you come and see me here and we'll have a little chat shall we.

if you ain't got anything constructive to say, sit in your shop and shut the fucc up

oh ignore the t wat ......

a bit more reading for you

split charging

we use these in appliances so you can be assured that they are fit for purpose

I've been lucky getting a couple off ebay for less than a tenner each and have one in the 110 now and it really is a fit and forget item designed exactly for what you are trying to do - as opposed to the ad hoc collection of diodes, relays and under specified connection cables that have been mentioned on this thread and/or available on the net

i don't know if there's much in the way of commercial breakers out there but it might be worth having a root around as i bet you'd get one for a few beer tokens, simply as so few people understand what they are or the value of them
thanks Sean, took a look at the other links last night, the first one in my opinion was the best, will look at sourcing parts today as need to get cracking on with this.
thanks Sean, took a look at the other links last night, the first one in my opinion was the best, will look at sourcing parts today as need to get cracking on with this.

i agree - 1 alt and a split charger is fine for a twin battery setup, if you'r sure you really do need 3 batteries then just having a single source of charging current isnt leaving any margin for failure

standard alt and wiring for cranking - second alt + split charge system dedicated for additional batteries

if i was spending time where there was in excess of 12 hours of good sunlight I'd probably go for a big roof mounted PV panel (caravan suppliers are now stocking some good sized ones) again using a split charge system to additional batteries - people are selling systems supposedly intended for PV use but they really are just the same as those intended for alternator connection

2 WAY SOLAR SPLIT CHARGE RELAY - 6-24V - 20A on eBay (end time 05-Jan-10 17:57:27 GMT)
my thinking is that i will leave the current set up of two optimas running the car and fridge using the split charge system and then use the second alternater to charge the third battery and run all the auxiliary stuff from that, that way i don't risk losing current to the fridge, have thought abnout solar panels but i've got two tents on the roof which would only leave the bonnet which i climb on to open one of the tents.
my god your landy sounds like its the ultimate travel machine! a home away from home huh. I didn't realise people put so many things into them, I thought landies were just basic hehe. sounds pretty cool!
my god your landy sounds like its the ultimate travel machine! a home away from home huh. I didn't realise people put so many things into them, I thought landies were just basic hehe. sounds pretty cool!

thanks for that, mind you it needs to be we have sold the house and set off for Australia at the end of January :D

we are even taking a flat screen tele and the wii
I have a 3rd battery in the rear of the car....I run my fridge and all accessories off the 2nd battery which is split charged off the main. My 3rd battery is only for when the car is turned off so the fridge doesn't drain the main system (as it nearly did on the way down here due to crappy lighter sockets). I will be looking into setting up a similar system to your Bevlee in the near future.
lol Bev, does that come with 5.1 soround sound, or DTS? :). Aus, wicked, what part? My friend is taken her third year of uni in Aus.

firstly the name is Lee,the tele has got 5.1!
the car only has a basic cd player, nothing special.
We are heading to Perth although we haven't got a visa, I need to get a job when we get there.
I have a 3rd battery in the rear of the car....I run my fridge and all accessories off the 2nd battery which is split charged off the main. My 3rd battery is only for when the car is turned off so the fridge doesn't drain the main system (as it nearly did on the way down here due to crappy lighter sockets). I will be looking into setting up a similar system to your Bevlee in the near future.

one thought that I've had is to run all accessories off the third battery and leave just the fridge on the second, charging each seperately when needed, I know that I can leave the fridge running for 5 days easily without any problems, so figure would only have to charge the fridge battery every third day. obviously the 3rd would need charging every day.

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