Yes, make the hole bigger so the wheel fits inside.

This is a land rover forum with 1000s of members who have done many things and know of many products on the market. I thought it was worth while asking the question to save me fcking about as im way too busy.

I wont make that mistake again!!

so if your'e too busy to help yourself then spit out your dummy instead of searching why should be bother
The more I look on this forum the more I realise its controlled by keyboard warriors pushing new faces away from hear. These few people who have posted 20k+ times clearly have waaaay too much time on there hands and are in no way constructive to anybody.
Its a shame as its ruining the forum for a lot of genuine people.

Well the one you speak of does spend time on here, and is a warrior ;) But the Young man does give some good advice, and some banter, and a kick in the nuts where needed.

Now this has been done to death, there are lots of post and threads from members who have done what you are trying. Several have 40" on theres and have done threads on how to do it.

So as not to sound rude, put your dummy away before you spit it. And have you done a search?;):)
you can flare the arches. dont need to cut much, but it needs to be done professionally, not by an amateur.

No guarantees given or implied.

Sorry, didn't see that! Thanks. Wheels aren't on yet but once I throw them on ill work out whats what. Ive got an arch roller knocking around somewhere from my drifting days so ill give it a whirl.
Well the one you speak of does spend time on here, and is a warrior ;) But the Young man does give some good advice, and some banter, and a kick in the nuts where needed.

Now this has been done to death, there are lots of post and threads from members who have done what you are trying. Several have 40" on theres and have done threads on how to do it.

So as not to sound rude, put your dummy away before you spit it. And have you done a search?;):)

Hmmm a backhanded compliment :confused: I think I'll take that, probably the best I'll see for a while :rolleyes:
Why work something out myself if it has already been done?! Now that would be pointless.

The more obvious way for me is to ask people who have already gone down that route for ideas that are proven effective then work off them. No point in re inventing the wheel is there?

A dummy spiter and a lazy arse to boot.
Must say I've always found the forum helpful - but I do a heck of a lot more reading than posting.
There is a sticky at the top of the forum re: tyre sizes and what is involved.

The majority of folk on the forum seem to have modified vehicles to some degree or another, so there is a heck of a lot out there in terms of info.

Have a look at the "advanced" feature of the search engine and you'll get quite a lot of reading material come up.

Good luck!
After I cut my arches I thought about gluing some sort of rubber U bead around the cut. Something like the seals you get around car door openings. Would tidy it up and scrap yard is full of this stuff. Never got around to doing it but wen i start chopping my new discos arches ill give it a go.:) Might look ****, might not.
The question is asked and the same reply is given. Cut the **** out the arches then hide your shoddy workmanship with gash plastic arches. .

Dont judge everyone on your standard of workmanship :)

On another note, this is probably the best forum out there for useful uncomplicated help. You dont have to be part of a clicky group to get answers, just do the leg work yourself and then ask intelligent questions if you are stuck. Perhaps help someone no and again which is clearly uncommon from your point of view. Most 'time invested' members on here do this to just purely help so if someone comes on here with less than 300 posts and starts to spit their dummy out because they havent been spoon fed the ####ing answers, personally Im incline to forgive the forum for hitting back at the ####wit.

Nothing personal honest, but everyone has to be able to have the **** ripped out of them on here and bounce back!

The Disco is designed with small tyres and a set height suspension. Change these to big ass wheels and a huge lift and guess what numpty, you're going to have to cut **** out. Alternatively buy a gaylander and stick to tarmac

Now what would you like to ask?
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Feel better now??

Now when I get chance I'm gonna have a go at getting these to fit with the bare minimal cutting and not fit plastic over arches. Ill do a bit of rolling and flaring so the wheels tuck under nicely retaining a factory(ish) look.

Once done ill put up a thread with pics as its seems as though nobody has done this.
Must say I've always found the forum helpful - but I do a heck of a lot more reading than posting.
There is a sticky at the top of the forum re: tyre sizes and what is involved.

The majority of folk on the forum seem to have modified vehicles to some degree or another, so there is a heck of a lot out there in terms of info.

Have a look at the "advanced" feature of the search engine and you'll get quite a lot of reading material come up.

Good luck!

Agreed, but I know how to find stuff using the search n all I often find is other posts with folk telling you to do a fekkin search, and if they argue back they become numptys and sometimes they blow a fuse and do a swearing exit, making lots of folk very happy, but then sometimes someone will come on with a gem of a post with all the info you was after.
Searching takes time and I do understand why we keep getting freds like this one (and will continue to do so).
This forum wouldn't be as good as it is without the hecklin n banter though, so its a small price to pay..
Feel better now??

Now when I get chance I'm gonna have a go at getting these to fit with the bare minimal cutting and not fit plastic over arches. Ill do a bit of rolling and flaring so the wheels tuck under nicely retaining a factory(ish) look.

Once done ill put up a thread with pics as its seems as though nobody has done this.

Good luck with it chap :)
What do you mean with "threads like this one"? I've searched and searched and not found what im after. Nobody has proven me wrong by showing me one. I have a low post count as I search before starting threads.
There is no thread I can find where somebody has done what I'm wanting to do. Yes there are plenty that cut loads of arch out then cover up with over arches but nothing on rolling/flaring so I put up the thread out of interest!
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What do you mean with "threads like this one"? I've searched and searched and not found what im after. Nobody has proven me wrong by showing me one. I have a low post count as I search before starting threads.
There is no thread I can find where somebody has done what I'm wanting to do. Yes there are plenty that cut loads of arch out then cover up with over arches but nothing on rolling/flaring so I put up the thread out of interest!

What I mean is just mentioning tyres and disco in a fred title is like putting a red rag to a bull.
Your mistake imo, was not to mention at the start that you had done a lot of searching. It all looked to be a noob no search question.
Look harder i did it to mine big hammer is all you need. Alternatively metal and filler works well
Replying with sarky comments is only going to make the situation worse.

The next person that is wanting to do this is going to search, find this thread with 6+ pages off pointless crap (along with many others) then submit another thread!

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