And to confirm my last post Dr Evil has averaged 23.60 post per day!!!
I mean, what the ####, seriously?! You must be a child or student of some sort. Who has that time on there hands??!!
Not everybody's done over 22000 posts in less than 3 years and probly doesn't no how people are on here

The more I look on this forum the more I realise its controlled by keyboard warriors pushing new faces away from hear. These few people who have posted 20k+ times clearly have waaaay too much time on there hands and are in no way constructive to anybody.
Its a shame as its ruining the forum for a lot of genuine people.

I feel that these two posts are somehow directed at me…..

Well I've got no doubt that I'm far more productive than two noobs who don't even know how to search…..or that this topic is done to death in both defender and disco sections

Lets start with a useful :rolleyes:
The question is asked and the same reply is given. Cut the **** out the arches then hide your shoddy workmanship with gash plastic arches. Im trying to avoid this route and seeing if anybody has successfully rolled and flared the arches or maybe there is another route I havnt thought of.
only thing I can think of is to ask at a custom body shop , maybe one of them could tell you or maybe do back door job ?
The more I look on this forum the more I realise its controlled by keyboard warriors pushing new faces away from hear. These few people who have posted 20k+ times clearly have waaaay too much time on there hands and are in no way constructive to anybody.
Its a shame as its ruining the forum for a lot of genuine people.

No it's the Genuine people that post on here. not some -300post #### who spits his dummy when he can't have his questions answered with the reply he wants.

In reply to your OP. get a fooking tape measure and work it out for yourself. there is a limited amount of space inside any wheel arch. Once you've figured out how much space you have. then try measuring the amount of space a Wheel takes up. Then use what little imagination you have, to try and figure out how you are going to make the 2 fit.

And to prove that anything is possible if you thnk about it. Try googling a few custom car forums to figure out how they make oversized tyres fit inside a wheel arches
good guess, engineering student

Haha, nice. Well I was once one of those and now work for a very successful F1 team.

I can assure you now that unhelpful, cocky idiots do not make successful engineers. Has your uni not taught you anything?!
Writing stupid things to people that need help is hardly produtctive tho realy.just say do a search.i don't mind this forum but the way people go about things isn't always the right way.with how the people that no everything on here are,if they needed help and some 1 spoke to them like the way they do to people they wunt like it.yay or nay?
Haha, nice. Well I was once one of those and now work for a very successful F1 team.

I can assure you now that unhelpful, cocky idiots do not make successful engineers. Has your uni not taught you anything?!

So if you're a successful engineer why can you not work out how to mess with the body in a way that doesn't involve shoddy cutting by yourself :rolleyes: I know exactly how to make them fit but you still need to cut something. This seems to be an obvious flaw in your retort

Simple physics theres a finite space and all that matter cant occupy the same space now can it.
you can flare the arches. dont need to cut much, but it needs to be done professionally, not by an amateur.

No guarantees given or implied.
Haha, nice. Well I was once one of those and now work for a very successful F1 team.

I can assure you now that unhelpful, cocky idiots do not make successful engineers. Has your uni not taught you anything?!

Well you seem to have done ok??

Oh and for a successful engineer on a "very successful F1 team" you seem incredibly fooking stupid when it comes to attempting to solve an incredibly simple problem
Well you seem to have done ok??

Oh and for a successful engineer on a "very successful F1 team" you seem incredibly fooking stupid when it comes to attempting to solve an incredibly simple problem

I's just pointed that out on the previous post :p

The second part…..not the part about him being a twunt, I thought that was a given
Well you seem to have done ok??

Oh and for a successful engineer on a "very successful F1 team" you seem incredibly fooking stupid when it comes to attempting to solve an incredibly simple problem

thats because he,s chief tea maker :D
Why work something out myself if it has already been done?! Now that would be pointless.

The more obvious way for me is to ask people who have already gone down that route for ideas that are proven effective then work off them. No point in re inventing the wheel is there?
Writing stupid things to people that need help is hardly produtctive tho realy.just say do a search.i don't mind this forum but the way people go about things isn't always the right way.with how the people that no everything on here are,if they needed help and some 1 spoke to them like the way they do to people they wunt like it.yay or nay?

And breathe... You might want to throw some punctuation and capitalisation into your last post.
Why work something out myself if it has already been done?! Now that would be pointless.

The more obvious way for me is to ask people who have already gone down that route for ideas that are proven effective then work off them. No point in re inventing the wheel is there?

but you're wanting to go down a path thats already been covered…..and as a successful engineer you should no doubt have an idea of how to make things work :rolleyes:
So if you're a successful engineer why can you not work out how to mess with the body in a way that doesn't involve shoddy cutting by yourself :rolleyes: I know exactly how to make them fit but you still need to cut something. This seems to be an obvious flaw in your retort

Simple physics theres a finite space and all that matter cant occupy the same space now can it.

Tha's wot I sed. Cnut... stop stealing me ideas.. :mad:
but you're wanting to go down a path thats already been covered…..and as a successful engineer you should no doubt have an idea of how to make things work :rolleyes:

Yes, make the hole bigger so the wheel fits inside.

This is a land rover forum with 1000s of members who have done many things and know of many products on the market. I thought it was worth while asking the question to save me fcking about as im way too busy.

I wont make that mistake again!!

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