
Well-Known Member
My original belt was frayed so I bought new fitted 3 of them today as they keep coming off and the viscous fan chews them up.

Its a 94 l red 300tri with 135 k es model

Any help please
one of the pulleys the belt runs has poor bearings etc allowing it to run out of line unless one is seized like an idler etc
My original belt was frayed so I bought new fitted 3 of them today as they keep coming off and the viscous fan chews them up.

Its a 94 l red 300tri with 135 k es model

Any help please

If the original belt was just frayed but stayed on then I sorry to say mate, you're most likely fitting the new belt(s) incorrectly.
Mine chewed 2 up when i first got it :mad:

On mine it was the power steering pump if you pulled on the pulley it moved out by about 5mm. So that check is worth doing
So do I start the engine and see which is out of live with no belt or do I pull them by hand
ive had one that did this the pulleys were all good and inline but it was the tensioner that was causing it . the tensioner was worn where it joins and piviots
On mine the water pump bearing shat itself causing the pulley to run out of line and the belt to fray and snap. Also noticed the PS pump was shot as it stuck out too far, fixed it all for £60 with a new waterpump, PS pump and belt.
My water pump bearings went (were going, that chewed a belt or two) take belt of and give all pulleys a good yank, there should be no play,
I had to replace my power steering pump as it ruined two of my belts. The power steering pump shaft begins sliding out if the pump (aprox 5-6mm) causing the pulley to be out of line.
The power steering pump pulley pulls out a bout 5mm.and this be why the belts have frayed and steering became heavy before the belt chewed.

What do I need to fix the problem

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