
New Member
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster, be gentle

Replaced the engine in my 300tdi last week,

all new gaskets, block changed with old head reused.

I can get it to start but it won't rev up?

I have fitted a new lift pump, injector pump is off my old engine so a known quantity.

checked the valve clearances and adjusted as necessary, checked the timing and that look ok.

anything else?

all injectors are injecting. really does seem like timing to me but i can slide a bar in the pump hole whilst being able to see the flywheel gap (not at the same time but you know what i mean)
cam mark is bang on, thought it might be air in the pump so i cracked each injector whilst running and got covered in diesel :doh:

left each one cracked open for a few seconds.

return/bleed off to the pump does not appear to have any air in it
Any smoke at all? I had big problems last year after changing the cam belt. Had the Cam Flywheel and Pump marks lined up perfectly. Almost bought a new pump, then spoke to a diesel specialist who told me at high mileages the pump timing tends to wander slightly, and so the timing mark on the pump becomes inaccurate. I advanced the pump timing by a couple of degrees and hey presto, clean as a whistle and pulls like a train! Had really low emissions at MOT time too!
Also, when you lined the cam mark up, how did you look at it on a level plane? I found that when using a mirror, what I thought was lined up was in fact considerably out when photographed with a digital camera! Might be worth you double checking the cam timing too.

i checked the cam timing using a digital camera as was the only way i could think of to get the right angle!
there is smoke yeah, quite a lot of it.
will have a go moving the pump slightly an see how it goes
Mine was fine, but would start smoking like hell (blue/white smoke) at around 2000rpm. People often misdiagnose this as burning oil, but it is in fact partly burnt diesel. Just advance your timing slightly (a couple of degrees clockwise), you'll know if you've gone too far because the engine will knock like hell.

I changed the lift pump a little while ago, when it's not located on the cam correctly it does that revs a little and thats it! if you have disturbed it might be worth a look.
BIt of an update, ha a quick play with it today and fiddled with the timing and she started and revved up but was a little hesitant an lots of smoke (grey and burnt diesel smell).

Little way to go with it but moving in the right direction i think.

Hopefully will have 1/2 hour spare tomorrow to have a mess
couple of degrees or so.

injectors from old engine yeah

head swapped over complete apart from adjusting the valve clearances
Had a little play with this over the weekend an it starts on the button now, revs fine and very little smoke so all good!

just need to put it back together now ready to tax it at the end of the month and back on the road.

Big Thankyou for all the advice
Glad you got it sorted mate! I think a lot of people are led the path of buying a new fuel pump when this happens, and the solution is so simple!!


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