
Active Member
I'll cut to the question, then go through the story.

How do you set up the wastegate linkage?
Any advice on who sells good cheap swivel housing kits?

A friends the 1994 300Tdi 90 has been running with the wastegate linkage disconnected - so no boost. I've reconnected it - it's now set to that without the engine running, the wastegate is closed when the linkage is at rest. Is this about right as a starting point?

I know I need to check the boost - will get a boost gauge and set it up. But does this sound OK...

Now the whole story.

Had a good day today.
A couple of friends dropped by to stay the night - had a great night - good company etc,. They promised to tune up my computer and stereo - I promised to look at their 90.

Two main complaints on the 90 were a lack of power, and a 65mph "Shimmy".

Checked the running gear - loose wheel bearings and badly pitted swivels - need parts to fix that - so will do that later - but at least we know what it is...

Then to the engine. Took it for a test drive - and was really happy that my main car is a 4.6 litre tuned classic rangie. This 90 had absolutely no pull in it at all. As a mate says - "Flat as a doornail!" it was like driving a 2.5 litre NA - difficulty reaching 65mph to check out for the "shimmy".. The 2.5 petrol 90's I've been looking at are quicker than this - no wonder my mate wanted to bin it once he drove my V8...

So - down to it. It's a 3000 mile old engine - freshly rebuilt by Turner Engines - so there's nothing wrong with the base engine. New turbo too..
The 90 has been sluggish since the new engine was installed.

Run through the basics - all fluids good? Yup.

Visual check of all hoses - OK. Check air filter - OK.

The engine is really "Fluffy" and surprisingly quiet for a diesel - I've seen this before - so I check the pump timing - yup - it's a little retarded - but not enough to cause this kind of power loss. I correct this anyway while I'm looking at it.

Check that the boost pressure hose from the turbo to the fuel pump is clear - blew it through with compressed air - No blockage.

OK - check wastegate actuator hose - yup it's OK.

But wait - what's that connected to the end of the wastegate linkage rod?


The Wastegate actuating rod and the wastegate lever have never been connected. The poor little car has been running at nil boost. No wonder it felt like an NA - it was!

I wound out the wastegate rod enough to get it connected to the lever, and secured it with an odd circlip from the box of bits - will get the correct clip later.

Before I took it for a test drive - I checked the hose from the intercooler to the engine - significant oil was present, so I whipped out the intercooler and washed it out with petrol. Loads of gunk in there. Also found a small leak in the intercooler - can't help that now - will look for another one...

Out for the test drive. Initial start was a bit alarming (the engine had a good cough at the remnants of the petrol I cleaned the intercooler with), then settled down to a steady ( much smoother) idle.

I took it easy for a couple of miles - want everything to warm up gently, and feed the power in. Initial feelings were much more positive - smoother and torquier at low revs (the ignition timing I think). I cruised at 60/70 until it was fully warmed through. Then pulled off the motorway at the next junction. I gave it a good bootful at the next roundabout, the little 90 had a good cough, beltched a good wad of blueish/grey smoke, and went for it.

Class act. What a difference - the return run was much quicker. Previously, 70-75 was a hard fought achievement - on the return run, I briefly saw 90 before deciding to back off (There was more in it mind...). This is more like it...

The car had been back to LRUK for them to look at - twice. All they did was to alter the fuelling - which made it very thirsty, and then changed it back.

Come on guys - how can you miss a basic issue like this...?

So to the people who fitted the engine and turbo a black mark.

And to LRUK - two black marks for missing it twice.

I am not a mechanic - I am an amateur at this - it's a hobby.
How come I find this within an hour - and the professionals miss it - shame on you guys...

Still - it was a rewarding day - mate couldn't believe the difference in the engine.

I decided not to turn up the fuelling at all until I've adjusted the boost.
Also - let's let the car get some miles under it's belt with turbo power for a while - and prove itself out first before we start tweaking - but hey - what a result!...

And to cap it all - the stereo is sounding much better too!!!

Great Weekend!
I have had a few similar issues myself. The difference is that you actually give a rats **** and have made the effort to do a little diagnostics not just reach for a new part and bolt it on. I have sorted a few problems myself (and I am a total amateur) that have not been sorted by the garage. Mind you it needed a bit of time to actually think about the problem and work through all the options. The pro's don't have the patience, the time or the inclination to do that and this is why we fix em ourselves. Well done to you mate and I bet you mate is pretty damn happy.

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