
Active Member
Has anyone done away with the viscous fan on their 300TDi and not bothered fitting an electric fan? Just wondering how necessary the viscous unit is on the 300TDi as I'm sure I've read somewhere that they aren't really required unless the vehicle is used under heavy load i.e. towing etc.
I've got an electric on a switch, only needed it on the hottest days of the year when stuck in traffic during a motorway run, but I do have a brand new rad which dumps loads of heat
no viscous on my 300TDI. only prob i had was when on a long uphill slog when laning in summer. have now linked the air con fans into a manual override switch so that I can use them if necessary. It hasnt been.
Ours has not had a fan for 5 years. I did fit and electric fan with a simple switch as a precaution, but have never used it. However do think it is worth making sure the radiator is in good condition, as this engine soon gets into trouble if the cooling system is not working properly.
I've got no fan on mine and it's got hot twice.
First time was going up wyrnose pass, fine all the way up then had to stop for some dithering knob right at the top... the temperature spiked despite being stationary. Very quickly cooled down when going back down the other side! Second time was laning and it got a bit warm on a long uphill in low range.

Truth be told I'm going to put it back on as it made no difference to economy.

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