
New Member
I'm new to this site so would just like to say hello to everyone :)

Please excuse my lack of technical knowledge, I'm not a mechanic but have messed around with engines before and know my way around them enough to have taken on this project myself, I know what most things in an engine do but not necessary what they are called . I'll try to explain everything as best I can.

My 94 300tdi overheated, and blew the gasket. The water system was pressurising when turning over.

After getting the head re-skimmed, two new pistons and new gasket, finally got it back together today, tried to start but won't fire up.

It doesn't even try to fire, it's like the engine is turning with no compression at all (does not go u-hu-u-hu-u-hu, just u-huuuuuuuuuuu if that makes any sense?!) almost like the starter motor is just turning, is this normal? But all belts and cogs at the front of the engine are turning, the valves are moving when I look in the oil cap, and there is pressure coming out of the exhaust pipe. I have bled the fuel injectors and getting diesel squirting out, but have now run out of ideas.

The guy that re-skimmed it said that two valve springs were broken so has replaced them all. The push rods were labeled and placed back in order, but the little valve caps all fell out when taking the cam off, so went back in random order so not sure if this is the problem? I can see there is an adjuster on the push rod side of the cam, I have not done anything with these.

I should also add that the head got extremely hot and melted the temperature sensor (which I have replaced) above the exhaust manifold, and the wiring that ran over the top (which I have fixed).

Any suggestion would be gratefully received.

adjust your valve clearances!
I hope the head was crack tested and the rings did not pick up on bore.

rings may have stuck- give it a sniff of easy start after adjusting valve clearances and report back.
head if been that hot may well move again ,caps dont matter on or off or order ,what does matter is that tappets are set correctly those adjusters need setting so that gap between valve and rocker are 8 thou ,wind engine clockwise until one valve reaches fully open just anyfurther go on till next one is just fully open ,which ever is open take it from nine and set that one mark after as valves dont go in order,1 down set 8,2 down set 7 ,3 down set 6 ,4 down set 5 ,5 down sey 4 ,6 down set 3 ,7 down set 2 ,8 down set 1 ,nearest rad is no1 ,when engine upto temp feel rad allover core to check hot all over if not probably cause of overheating
Fantastic, just fired it up!! The clearances were way out, that must have been holding the valves open when it needed compression.

Thanks a million for your help. I'm a very happy bunny!


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