
Well-Known Member
I bought a timing belt kit yesterday for the 90 and it got me thinking. They offer the early & late kits + the fits all kit.

So basically there is the tensioner with the lip and without, when the earlier type has a lip the crank didn't and vice-versa, then the idler on the later type incorporated a washer that sat in the tensioner assembly where the old one was flat.

If you order the new fits all kit then you get the lipped crank pulley, later non-lipped tensioner and idler to go with it and the little bolt kit. Then why don't they just sell this as - The Kit?

I couldn't recall what was fitted last time as I had a garage do it *cough* 8 years ago *cough* but on inspection I have a lipped tensioner & a lipped crank pulley, so I am not sure what is going on there, but ultimately I am just going to fit the later kit. I could go and buy the lipped tensioner and fit it as is and it would probably be fine but it just gets me thinking.

So, why din't they just say - right this is the new kit - all of you fit it - do any of you replace your timing parts with the early type?
I always assumed it is so that those with the older kits fitted who have had no alignment problems can fit the older style tensioner and belt at a cheaper cost without worrying about changing the bottom pulley.

I wonder why you have a lipped tensioner and bottom pulley.?? That seems wrong.

I always assumed it is so that those with the older kits fitted who have had no alignment problems can fit the older style tensioner and belt at a cheaper cost without worrying about changing the bottom pulley.

I wonder why you have a lipped tensioner and bottom pulley.?? That seems wrong.


Yeah I guess that makes sense, my engine is a bit hybrid in that it has both! I suppose I could order the early kit and it would work, but I am going to fit the mod kit.

It's like someone changed the pulley at one point, to update it all, then later in it's life I wonder if someone simply ordered the kit based on the reg/engine no - which was early, so they fitted that oblivious to the lipped pulley!
It's like someone changed the pulley at one point, to update it all, then later in it's life I wonder if someone simply ordered the kit based on the reg/engine no - which was early, so they fitted that oblivious to the lipped pulley!

That would make sense, even if it was not the right thing to do.................LOL...You say a garage changed the last one...??

That would make sense, even if it was not the right thing to do.................LOL...You say a garage changed the last one...??


Yeah the last time the belt was done on that engine a Land Rover indy did it when they supplied the whole engine - it was part of the deal that the belt was done. I must add that their quality of workmanship was very questionable and I have not been back since and having taken the Defender to pieces and rebuilt it I have since removed anything bodged.

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