Hi all i have a disco 1 that has stood for a year without being started is there anything i need to do before trying to start it ?
Thanks :confused:
Cheers for the quick reply all fluids checked and ok . i have heard i may need to bleed the system as air can get in ? Any ideas ? I suppose i will just have to try starting it !!
If it was my boat engine I would open the decompressors and crank it a bit to get some oil moving before it had chance to fire, but I don't know how you would do that on a Disco.
Remove glow plugs put a little kerosene into each cylinder let set for a bit then try turning motor over if all goes ok reinstall the glow plugs and fire it up
Remove glow plugs put a little kerosene into each cylinder let set for a bit then try turning motor over if all goes ok reinstall the glow plugs and fire it up

bugger that, takes far too long (especially if a/c pump is fitted). personally would check fluids, make sure battery is good and fire it up ;)

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